Monday, February 11, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:12 AM

Topic:  Tell about a time when something unexpected happened to you.

Today and yesterday  I wonted to get  my medisin dun today and yesterday because I don’t like it because it is vaery yuky  but I didn’t caer by Ethan

  I will be writing a story for you today that is unexpected. When I got my 3ds games this week I was so happy that my Grandma got it for me and she was happy too. On Christmas I was so unexpected because my Grandpa and Grandma got me a 3ds and also I because my brother got a ds form me.  When my Grandma got me a puppy I got to name it and his name Gavin and I like that name. that is my story for you today about something that was unexpected happened to me. By Ryleigh.

I was men to my sisters so on chirsmis and I was so I trid to do it and I did so I was rile happy to be nice and one more thing I rile love to be nice to my sisters. Yesterday me and Carlysha played with me on the swens and that was nice av her to play on the swengs to I like Cerlysha vaer mach and she will be my bff for ever time she cams to my  hows. By. Shayla    

The  holy time that some thing happin is  thir    time.  Was on Christmas  in  2012.  I    got a  m  4  bb  gun . it was the same one  in magsin.  By  jackson


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