Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:12 AM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY! 

Once upon a time there was this little boy name Sam he all was goes to the beach he all was tans and swims or play in the sand .  The  bee came it  buzz buzz  he ran  away as far far  away he ran to his house he hide under his coach then he sat for a second  then he ran to his room and whent to bed . his bed was  snowy  so white you can see right though it.  By Lindy

Once a upon a time there was a bee. The bee was so small that no one could see him. There was a sinitist he was rely good at what he dose. The sinitist did not know his window had a crack. By Phoebe

Ones  upon  a  time there  was a kid ho  was  a  scence  kid. One day he was in his scary  scence  room . He  said its good  to be  here  again  he  has  never  ben  had  put  people  in his  room. Then  his mom  said  it  was  dinner  time  no body  came  so she  turned  out  the  power . every body  said  im  coming  they  said. BySam    

Once there was a big bee and I mean really big bee.  He was friends with a guy with an I patch because  he got hit with a ball.  Once  he was a mean guy and he was vary mean to people. The bee told him to be nice to people or people will not like him. So the next week people loved him and he was nice to people. The nice guy told the bee that  he was a vary nice friend to have.  The next week he was vary nice. That is my story. By Cheyenne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


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