Thursday, February 21, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:40 PM

Topic:  Write a story about the wind

This is my story  about the windy  its very  windy out today .  It was super windy  yesterday.   Wind can get  very strong  so strong its hard to go through  it with out falling .  The braes can be gentle or not pretty  it can be really bad .That is how hard wind can get. By Lindy 

The wind is like a gentle braes in the summer air blowing across your face in a meow .By Nick.     

The wind is cool because it is a cool brese and I think it feels good all the time. I like the wind because it is the cool brese and I think it is a cool cool brese and I think it Feels realy good I like it always.I like the wwind and I pretty much liked it my whole life I realy like it and I like it all the time always and I like it all the time.My dad likes it to And sometimes he just stands there all the time and he likes it always in hisn life. By Trevor.


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