Friday, February 22, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:42 PM


My dad is so fun because he will race and he will win a lot  and it is funny he will be like a cat. My mom is a nice mom but I do not live with her and I miss her so much and she miss me so much too but she will pick me up we will go to her house and it is so fun we play together play with the dog it is fun. My Grandma is amazing of making cookies and I help her make them and they are so good when the are done my Grandpa likes them a lot me too. I am so luck that I have a good family that loves me so much and that is fun a lot and that is amazing. By Ryleigh.

My mom is good so mach I love my mom so machi just a lot and My dad is a nice to me I love my dad so mach i will screm to my voes.  By Shayla      

My foocher  is  go to the navy  just  like   my  dad  . when  I old  enuf  I will  fight   for    cunshy     I   will    dead  for  my  friends  and   faimly .  by jack  


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