Friday, April 26, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:11 PM


I will be going  swim tomeow  and I will play with my sister and my dad and my mom and my berather I will play with him to. I will be doing today is getting some ice crem. I have a best firend and her name is Emily she is a good firend to have and I love having now firens. By Shayla 


Yesterday at my baseball game I got hurt when I was kecher I got hurt in to spots I got ower it the ferst time and it was so panfole then I keride sens it hurt I went in the plase waer you get your stuff - By Ethan

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:10 PM
Topic: Describe a flag that could represent your family.

The flag that could represent my family is a flag that was already made for the hole United States Of America.

The flag that I would want for my family is the one that had a blue back round       had thirteen stripes and about thirty - six stars on the United States Flag.

Did you know that the United States Flag wasn’t the first flag?   By- Krystiana

The that my family should have is a baby one since we pay attention to babies a lot the flag would look like a baby on the front and it’s crying .

Flags mean a lot even flags that don’t even exist.  what if there a flag  that had a  crack on it that meant fight .

Ok back to the baby flag I want a baby flag because I love babies there so delicate . The other one is that I have a baby sister .

Her name is Kensie she’s very smart but sensitive . She screams when I’m trying to sleep so when my mom get’s me up in the morning I snarl at her that reminds me when she puts stuff on me at night I fight her I my sleep .

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:06 PM
Topic: What symbols remind you of America?

There are two symbols that remind me of America the flag and the eagle .They represent our state.

Did you know that the eagle  is the state bird. Do you have a symbols that represent America .   By;Hailey

The flag reminds me of America. I love America! The flag is what tells us what state. Some people live in America. Some people live in Mexico. Some people used to live in Mexico and then they live in America. I like that it doesn’t  matter which skin color you are in America. America is a good state.

By Taylor

Friday, April 19, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:37 PM

Topic: Free Choice Write!

Once upon a time their was a little girl that had a dog.  It was not black it was all white.  She had another dog that was a goldin reatrever.  The white one ‘s name was Terner and the goldin reatrver ‘s name was Spur.  She loved them both a lot!  One of them lived at my mom’s house and one of them lived at my step mom’s house. 

            One day when I was done with school and it was the weekend I came  home and there  was a little puppy with a leash and I was so superised that my mom din’t tell me. I think that my brother was supperised to! 

            When I got the other white dog that was when my mom met Nick.  Nick is my stepdad and he is vary funny.  He was vary strong.

            That is my story.

                        By Cheyenne.

Once upon a time there was a little   girl who  had a little  house .


And her name was Alice  she had a dress on. One day she

Got  dressed and she played tag. Tag was her favorete

BY Meg

Today I am going to my aunt’s. She has a pool in her house. She has a play ground in her backyard. She has a toy room. It is huge. She has a library . She has two tree houses .That is all the stuff she has up stares.                                              

            Down stares  she has a arcade. She has a kitchen there.

            By Phoebe

Maybe tonight I will sleep in my living room. I will probbiley sleep on the big black with my huge Star wars blanket. I will watch Madagascar3 on the PS3. Some times it takes a long time to show the title. By Dominick

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:35 PM

Topic: What can you do to become a better athlete?

This is what  you can do to be a good athlete you should  play better  or you should  put better t shirts  and pants and shoes and hats .                                                                                  Jacob he is good at football but he needs to work on it a lot   but if gets sweat to much he would scream at me a lot .By Lindy-

I am a good athlete because I play soccer and I rock at it. I play foot ball with my Dad  and I am rely good at it because my Dad told me how to catch it and hold it and tuck it in. By Noah

I  would  become a better athlete  if  I  would  practice  more in  my  backyard. I’m  very  good  at  football. I’m  mabby  I will  sighn  up  for  soccer  this year. I only played  football at  school  one  time. By.Sam   

I could be a beter athlete by learning about playing tackle football and learning all the time. I could be a beter athlete by practicing baseball at my house all the time. I could be a good athlete by practicing all the time I always practice and it is realy fun and when I practice it always feels realy good.  By Trevor.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:29 PM
Today  is my  birthday  am eight years old and here is the thing I got .  My  lovely sister gave me a ban now shine sweet car and a box of  melt  cards . but  the coolest  thing I  got  is Titanic bank and  book .that  My  story .  by Jackson Jacks birthday
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:29 PM

We are playing hide in seik  and I am the flower  and my firend is a dinasar and . I am cont and I have to cont to ten and I cont one too there four five six sevin ayt. By Shayla  

Today I am doing a sticker story at school on Monday .I am Blogging a bout a sticker story today at my school I like it a lot to do a sticker story at school today it is fun to Blogging a bout a sticker story today at school. On Monday today at school today is fun today. Ethan .

Friday, April 12, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:51 PM






Audrie and Moises worked together to see how many meters long the whiteboard is in our classroom. 



Ryleigh and Sam measure the front bulletin board to see how many centimeter wide it is. 


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:48 PM

Topic: Friday Free Choice Write!

Today I’m righting about my best friends Taylor and Delaney. They are wonderful Friends Taylor is blogging about me right now .

 Both of my friends are veary  kind  they are the tipe of friends  - Hailey   

I am writing about my friend. Her name is Hailey. We are best friends forever. Hailey is blogging too. I love to blog! It’s the best thing in the whole world besides being in Mrs.Koehn’s class. She is the best teacher ever because she is so nice! I think that Hailey  loves blogging! Just like me! I am so happy to be friends with Hailey. By Taylor

I like Jeff Gordon’s nascar number 24 because he had won allot of champion cups at the Daytona 500. Kasey Kahne was number 5 he traded with Mark Martin and Kasey Kahne was now number 9. Danica Patrick was new to the races because they wanted her to be number 10 and she stayed at the races from the Daytona 500 and the miller 400 and the brickyard 400 and the coca cola 600 and other races from the Daytona 500. Jeff Gordon was famous and he was a big show off when he won allot of champion cups at allot of races from the Daytona 500.  By  Moises


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:46 PM

Topic: Tell about a time you made a bad choice.

One time I  made a bad choice was when I  was playing around  with a water blown  and I put water in it and I  was playing  with it  and I dropped it and  I made a bad choice. The other day me and my brother where messing around  and we put food coloring in the blown and poped. byAudrie 

I made a bad choice when I did not do what my mom toll me what to pack stuff  for  I  can go to Grandma’s house to have a sleepover with my brother.    

            I made a bad choice when I did not go to sleep when  I had to at Grandma’s house because I was thinking of my mom.  By Ryleigh.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:44 PM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  We rolled Story Cubes to find our story prompts for the day.  The cubes were:


One day there was a robbery and money got  out of the bank a loud sound it sounded like a horn as huge as a house. The  news workers were  ByPhoebe

One day there was a robber who stole money from the bank. Then the robber took the money to his house. Batman tried to find the robber. But Batman got lost. By Dominick                        

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:40 PM

Topic:  How do signs help us?

How sign makers help us know where to go is because he or she first thinks then they write it and sometimes they put up the signs at night.                                                                               Why the sign maker puts up the signs at night is because a lot of people   aren’t outside   driving on the road.  The sign maker sometimes put up signs that sais danger and DEAD END signs. Why the sign maker puts up those kind of signs is because those signs mean you could crash into cars, trucks, jeeps and tanks. Sometimes the sign maker puts up signs By-Krysti 

Signs help us know where to go because they are in capital letters. Why they are in capital letters people are thinking it is so important so they will just stop. Also if there is an arrow pointing witch way to go then people will go that way. There could probly be an emergency on the other side. Importantly is the DEAD END sign. If it says dead end then don’t go there. So we read am book about signs and now I ‘m starting to know what signs mean. Like GO and STOP. That’s what I know about signs.

Now let me tell you about the arrows. So if it is pointing to the left go to the left don’t go the right. If it is pointing strait go strait don’t go to the right or left GO STRAIT! So that’s what I know about the arrows an also the signs.  By Carlysha.

Signs help you because if we don’t have stoplights how will people know were to stop ? If there’s a store with good food but they don’t have that says good food here then what will people eat rotten food ? Yuk ! I like signs cause we could get in a car acsedant or are we could get a stomach ach .

            I like the DEAD END sign cause it’s makes some people scarred . The hospital sign is VERY important cause if there is one driver and he doesn’t know were he’s going and he has a sick person in the back there a hospital sign . The sign STOP and GO is the most important one to me cause I want to go the quicker way to school . By-Delaney

Signs are to help  people now what way your going signs can say stop, slow down, hill there is all kinds of signs. If signs are not put where they  by Larz