Friday, April 12, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:40 PM

Topic:  How do signs help us?

How sign makers help us know where to go is because he or she first thinks then they write it and sometimes they put up the signs at night.                                                                               Why the sign maker puts up the signs at night is because a lot of people   aren’t outside   driving on the road.  The sign maker sometimes put up signs that sais danger and DEAD END signs. Why the sign maker puts up those kind of signs is because those signs mean you could crash into cars, trucks, jeeps and tanks. Sometimes the sign maker puts up signs By-Krysti 

Signs help us know where to go because they are in capital letters. Why they are in capital letters people are thinking it is so important so they will just stop. Also if there is an arrow pointing witch way to go then people will go that way. There could probly be an emergency on the other side. Importantly is the DEAD END sign. If it says dead end then don’t go there. So we read am book about signs and now I ‘m starting to know what signs mean. Like GO and STOP. That’s what I know about signs.

Now let me tell you about the arrows. So if it is pointing to the left go to the left don’t go the right. If it is pointing strait go strait don’t go to the right or left GO STRAIT! So that’s what I know about the arrows an also the signs.  By Carlysha.

Signs help you because if we don’t have stoplights how will people know were to stop ? If there’s a store with good food but they don’t have that says good food here then what will people eat rotten food ? Yuk ! I like signs cause we could get in a car acsedant or are we could get a stomach ach .

            I like the DEAD END sign cause it’s makes some people scarred . The hospital sign is VERY important cause if there is one driver and he doesn’t know were he’s going and he has a sick person in the back there a hospital sign . The sign STOP and GO is the most important one to me cause I want to go the quicker way to school . By-Delaney

Signs are to help  people now what way your going signs can say stop, slow down, hill there is all kinds of signs. If signs are not put where they  by Larz


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