Friday, April 19, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:35 PM

Topic: What can you do to become a better athlete?

This is what  you can do to be a good athlete you should  play better  or you should  put better t shirts  and pants and shoes and hats .                                                                                  Jacob he is good at football but he needs to work on it a lot   but if gets sweat to much he would scream at me a lot .By Lindy-

I am a good athlete because I play soccer and I rock at it. I play foot ball with my Dad  and I am rely good at it because my Dad told me how to catch it and hold it and tuck it in. By Noah

I  would  become a better athlete  if  I  would  practice  more in  my  backyard. I’m  very  good  at  football. I’m  mabby  I will  sighn  up  for  soccer  this year. I only played  football at  school  one  time. By.Sam   

I could be a beter athlete by learning about playing tackle football and learning all the time. I could be a beter athlete by practicing baseball at my house all the time. I could be a good athlete by practicing all the time I always practice and it is realy fun and when I practice it always feels realy good.  By Trevor.


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