Friday, April 26, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:10 PM
Topic: Describe a flag that could represent your family.

The flag that could represent my family is a flag that was already made for the hole United States Of America.

The flag that I would want for my family is the one that had a blue back round       had thirteen stripes and about thirty - six stars on the United States Flag.

Did you know that the United States Flag wasn’t the first flag?   By- Krystiana

The that my family should have is a baby one since we pay attention to babies a lot the flag would look like a baby on the front and it’s crying .

Flags mean a lot even flags that don’t even exist.  what if there a flag  that had a  crack on it that meant fight .

Ok back to the baby flag I want a baby flag because I love babies there so delicate . The other one is that I have a baby sister .

Her name is Kensie she’s very smart but sensitive . She screams when I’m trying to sleep so when my mom get’s me up in the morning I snarl at her that reminds me when she puts stuff on me at night I fight her I my sleep .



  1. You defintily are right about what flag your family would have.

  2. I liked what Delaney put.
