Friday, April 19, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:37 PM

Topic: Free Choice Write!

Once upon a time their was a little girl that had a dog.  It was not black it was all white.  She had another dog that was a goldin reatrever.  The white one ‘s name was Terner and the goldin reatrver ‘s name was Spur.  She loved them both a lot!  One of them lived at my mom’s house and one of them lived at my step mom’s house. 

            One day when I was done with school and it was the weekend I came  home and there  was a little puppy with a leash and I was so superised that my mom din’t tell me. I think that my brother was supperised to! 

            When I got the other white dog that was when my mom met Nick.  Nick is my stepdad and he is vary funny.  He was vary strong.

            That is my story.

                        By Cheyenne.

Once upon a time there was a little   girl who  had a little  house .


And her name was Alice  she had a dress on. One day she

Got  dressed and she played tag. Tag was her favorete

BY Meg

Today I am going to my aunt’s. She has a pool in her house. She has a play ground in her backyard. She has a toy room. It is huge. She has a library . She has two tree houses .That is all the stuff she has up stares.                                              

            Down stares  she has a arcade. She has a kitchen there.

            By Phoebe

Maybe tonight I will sleep in my living room. I will probbiley sleep on the big black with my huge Star wars blanket. I will watch Madagascar3 on the PS3. Some times it takes a long time to show the title. By Dominick


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