Friday, April 12, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:46 PM

Topic: Tell about a time you made a bad choice.

One time I  made a bad choice was when I  was playing around  with a water blown  and I put water in it and I  was playing  with it  and I dropped it and  I made a bad choice. The other day me and my brother where messing around  and we put food coloring in the blown and poped. byAudrie 

I made a bad choice when I did not do what my mom toll me what to pack stuff  for  I  can go to Grandma’s house to have a sleepover with my brother.    

            I made a bad choice when I did not go to sleep when  I had to at Grandma’s house because I was thinking of my mom.  By Ryleigh.


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