Thursday, December 18, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:28 PM

Nice job, Elijah!  Way to read those books!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:26 PM

Way to go Darrin!  Way to learn those math facts!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:00 AM
Ana is flying through the books!  
Way to read, Ana!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:59 AM
To celebrate both the upcoming holiday and our fairy tale unit,
 the BUGS are cooking up something special this week!
We started with some Crisco and sugar...

Added in some molasses and spices....

Added quite a bit of flour....

...and then we stirred...

 ...and we stirred...
( because Mrs. Koehn brought her mixer but not the bowl. Oops!)

 ...we added some eyes and buttons...


You'll have to wait to see!!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:37 AM
On Friday, we held our December Sharing Day, where we read our Reader's Theater plays, shared artwork we had created and also read journals and stories with our audience.  As always, we are so appreciative of all who attend and show their support for our learning.  Presenting in front of an audience builds so much confidence and also motivates us to do our best reading, writing and creating!  

Abby shared  her journal writing about our visit from the Science Alive biologists!

Ana shared a house she made in art with opening windows!

Several students shared their pattern artwork they made in Art.

Darrin shared his math problem of the week and explained how we work through a problem each week as math detectives so we can learn and practice problem-solving strategies.

Kara read her silly story that she authored titled, "Silly, Silly Baby" to the amusement of the audience.

Taylor shared her story called "The Ice Cream Shop".

Thomas shared his journal writing about Science Alive, telling the audience about the animals we learned about. 

Alijah, Selah, Abby, Tylyn and Emily performed "Taunuki's Gift"

Peter, Kathryn, Taylor, Stephene and Tanner performed "The Boy Who Drew Cats"

Marianna, Thomas, Logan, Kyle, Emma, Dawson and Taylor (substitute) performed "Doctor Jen" (I apologize that this video is cut short, my iPad was out of memory!! Zoiks!)

Kara, Ana, Taya, Taylor and Darrin performed, "The Project"

Friday, December 12, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:10 PM
The high school choir, Voice of the Future, visited the elementary campus today, performing several songs to get us in the mood for the holidays!

We were all impressed with their singing!  It was beautiful!  

Listen for yourself...

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:14 PM
Taya is flying through AR points!  She just earned her 35 point AR button!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:13 PM
Marianna was our teacher this morning to lead spelling dictation!  She did an awesome job of reading the sentence in chunks so the class could write it down.  We do this every day to practice spelling, punctuation, handwriting and parts of speech.  We pack a lot into one sentence!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:44 PM
I am so excited about this fairy tale unit because it isn't just about comparing literature, or learning what elements authors use to create a fairy tale story, it's about so much more!  We have read about princes and princesses dancing at the ball and we wanted to learn how!  So, today we used our "extra" gym day to call in Ms. Jane from Dance Zone to teach us how to waltz!!    Ms. Jane showed us the complicated (but fun!) box step and we slowly but surely figure out how to move our feet to the 1-2-3 rhythm of the music.  There were a few skeptical members of the royal BUG family to start with, but by the end, there was a room full of smiles, giggles and fits of glee! See for yourself!!

We had to really work on right and left - which foot goes forward, which foot moves to the side.  Then we had to learn which hand we will hold with our dance partner!
 Being a prince or a princess is far more complicated than we realized!

Taya and Elijah caught on quickly!

Tanner and Stephene worked hard to get the steps right!

The whole class had such a fun time learning something so new and different today!  We will keep practicing, and Ms. Jane will come back again to help us learn even more, but we can't wait to show you all on Fairy Tale Friday how we can waltz!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:13 PM
Abby is cruising on her AR points!  
Way to go, Abby!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:06 PM
We are blessed with a fantastic PTO at the elementary campus and they provided an amazing experience for our students today!  Scientists, specifically biologists came to visit our classrooms today with ANIMALS!!  I will let them tell you all about the experience!

I learnd that a armdillo has far.I learnd that a python can atleast get 12 feet by Abby

I lrnd abowt babe alagatrs and snacs. by Ty

I thot the python  was really cool because  it moved like a calm wave. and the chin chila
is a indangerd  anamale peopole are killing them. by Azariana

Today was cool because science alive came and brought alive animals!I saw a chinchilla and it was soft .We saw a python and it was the first time I saw a python and they use their tongues to smell. I saw a toad and when they are eggs they are in danger. I saw an armadillo  and they are mammals like because they have hair on their belly.I saw an alligator it was little and it eats to get Darrin

The muther snake wuz fun becuzs it wuz hevee by Dawson

I loved the snake because when it slithrd araund  my neck and felt good. by Elijah

I see a snake it is big jint snake. by kyle

l didit not like the snake it was soow gros  and it was adade al agatr  by Emma

thar wus  a  towd  with  bumpy  scin  evre  buty  got  to  fell  it          by   logan

The snake was long she put the snake a rawnd my  nike the snake was heve  By marianna

i learned that chinchalus are gunia pigs cosinsand that there are 1000 types of toads  and      abut pythons i was wearing it       by peter

I learned dat Chincilas are indagerd animals and sum
snake’s ared slimey at all.
    Plus baby’s animals are at least 3 feet Stephene  

Today was cool I got to see live animals.I got to see a snake it was big I let it go on my neck. I got to see a chinchilla it was soft. They are in danger. Because some people like to kill them. Because the soft fur is like a cotte  but the chinchillas are small so people have to kill more than  one. I got to see a  toad her name was Velvit the toed  was smooth.I got to see armadillo i did not no  that it was a malemo it had fur on his belly by Kara.

We  got  to  see  a  chinchilla,python,toad,armadillo,alligator. I  loved   seeing  all  of  the  animal,s. It  was  the  best  since  alive  in  the  world. It  was  more  than  the  best  it  was  awsome.        by  Tanner

Today at science alive I learned that snakes don’t have ears and noses so they smell and hear with their tongues.We saw a chinchilla snake alligator armadillo and a big toad.I learned that chinchillas are the fluffiest mammal living and snakes can’t blink because they don’t have eyelids.I learned snakes are reptiles and not Taya

I loved it I got to see a  snake and a armadillo a cruk a chinchilla a towd and thats it. by  selah

Hi my name is Taylor and I am going to tell you about Science Alive yesterday.There was a scientist named Mrs. Neill and the animals that she brought were...a chinchilla,bernice python,baby crocidile and a giant toad named Velvet.By Taylor

There was a big toad he was really emily

Monday, December 8, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:36 PM
You are a reading rock star!!  Way to go, Kara!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:26 PM
Last week we studied the regular past tense ending of "-ed".  We discovered the three sounds it makes and we learned what the pattern is for each sound.  This week we are going to focus in on words that are very common in our language, but do not use "-ed" to form past tense.  Most of these words change a vowel within the word to signify past tense, others change more significantly.  Since there is no real pattern to when a word makes these changes, and these are words that students need to learn and know, I am giving the students all of the words that will be tested on Friday.  This should give them ample time to practice these words and to become familiar with some of the most common irregular past tense words!

(This is a list I added this year, in response to a need I saw in our students, so I do not have it on our website.  I wanted to make you aware of the change in list order so you knew which words to practice.)

Pattern of the Week:
words to practice
High Frequency Words
irregular past tense verbs

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:27 PM
Way to go, Ana!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:27 PM
Awesome reading, Darrin!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:48 PM
The BUGS want to challenge all the parents (grandparents, dear friends, neighbor Bob...):

How many sounds does the regular past tense ending "-ed" make?  

Can you predict when it will make each sound?

Reply in the comment section with your answers!
 (Guesses are totally accepted but might make us chuckle.  We know grown-ups weren't taught all the awesome grammar rules like we learn now!)

(You can email-a-teacher for a hint!)
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:24 PM
I never did find another awesome app like Educreations, so you're stuck with just a regular ol' video, but I hope it helps to explain tonight's homework as well as the approach we take to laying the foundation for subtracting with two digit numbers using regrouping.  

The students really have a great mastery (not just surface knowledge of the process) of the math concepts behind the algorithms and I am thrilled they have such a solid base for learning!  

I do have a few students who struggle mightily with these concepts, however.  These few tend to be the students who are not yet fluent in their math facts as these strategies require students to add and subtract in several steps.  If your child falls into this category it's okay for them to simply use the number line to count backwards to the answer.  Realize, however, that this is not solving the problem, just giving them tools to get by for now.  

You will continue to see videos from me any time that I think the math lesson differs from "how we were taught" (although I'm older than all of you!)  I hope it helps, but don't do battle over math homework!  If your child doesn't understand, I'm here early every morning and can always help!! 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:16 PM

The Royal BUGS of the Room 18 Kingdom went on a quest today to search all the land for regular past tense verbs.

The Royal BUGS of the Room 18 Kingdom went on a quest today to search all the land for regular past tense verbs. 

They found many, many verbs with morphological endings (ask!  They know what that means!) that change the meaning of the verb to “already happened”! 

Tomorrow our quest continues to find how many sounds does regular past tense make and is there a pattern to behold?!?!

Stay tuned…
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:28 PM
I forget how many of these I've done.  That's what I get for naming them with sequential numbers, huh?  In any case, if you're looking for ideas to do at home here are a couple for this week:

Reading: Go on a word hunt!  Use any book, newspaper, magazine, catalog, junk mail, anything and see what amazing words your child can find and read!  Look for words with two syllables, or plural or for this week - regular past tense verbs (they all end with -ed!) Maybe you want to find words with double letters and see if you can figure out why?  Remember, you don't have to know all the answers you just have to keep asking questions!

Math: Demonstrate math in real life.  Show your student times when you have to use math as an adult and let him/her participate!  Even if the actual math is too complicated, can they tell you if you should add or subtract?  How do they know that?  Can they help write the math sentence for the problem?  Whether you are cooking, building, paying bills, paying for groceries or getting gas we use math a lot in our lives and our kids benefit from seeing those applications and participating in them!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:18 PM
The BUGS are so excited to start an adventure learning about fairy tales!  This comparative literature unit will last for the next six weeks and will help students to understand the different characteristics of fairy tales from other narrative forms of writing and will study this genre not only from a reading perspective but also from the viewpoint of an author!

We will celebrate our learning on Friday, January 23rd with a very special edition of Sharing Day - "Fairy Tale Friday!"  More information will come with exact times and locations of our event, but mark your calendar now and plan to attend our special event!  We can't wait to share our learning with you!

Throughout the next six weeks, watch for special projects and activities happening on the website and coming home!  We're off on an adventure!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:44 AM

Hey BUGS!!  What did you do over your long Thanksgiving weekend?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:59 PM

Darrin was the first student to get all 100 addition facts right in under five minutes!  Way to go, Darrin!!