Monday, December 1, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:18 PM
The BUGS are so excited to start an adventure learning about fairy tales!  This comparative literature unit will last for the next six weeks and will help students to understand the different characteristics of fairy tales from other narrative forms of writing and will study this genre not only from a reading perspective but also from the viewpoint of an author!

We will celebrate our learning on Friday, January 23rd with a very special edition of Sharing Day - "Fairy Tale Friday!"  More information will come with exact times and locations of our event, but mark your calendar now and plan to attend our special event!  We can't wait to share our learning with you!

Throughout the next six weeks, watch for special projects and activities happening on the website and coming home!  We're off on an adventure!!


  1. I am so excited that we are having a fairy tale friday!
    by Ana

  2. Thanks Mrs. Koehn for letting us start our fairy tales! I am going to try as hard as I can to get to publishing paper. By Taylor
