Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:06 PM
We are blessed with a fantastic PTO at the elementary campus and they provided an amazing experience for our students today!  Scientists, specifically biologists came to visit our classrooms today with ANIMALS!!  I will let them tell you all about the experience!

I learnd that a armdillo has far.I learnd that a python can atleast get 12 feet by Abby

I lrnd abowt babe alagatrs and snacs. by Ty

I thot the python  was really cool because  it moved like a calm wave. and the chin chila
is a indangerd  anamale peopole are killing them. by Azariana

Today was cool because science alive came and brought alive animals!I saw a chinchilla and it was soft .We saw a python and it was the first time I saw a python and they use their tongues to smell. I saw a toad and when they are eggs they are in danger. I saw an armadillo  and they are mammals like because they have hair on their belly.I saw an alligator it was little and it eats to get bigger.by Darrin

The muther snake wuz fun becuzs it wuz hevee by Dawson

I loved the snake because when it slithrd araund  my neck and felt good. by Elijah

I see a snake it is big jint snake. by kyle

l didit not like the snake it was soow gros  and it was adade al agatr  by Emma

thar wus  a  towd  with  bumpy  scin  evre  buty  got  to  fell  it          by   logan

The snake was long she put the snake a rawnd my  nike the snake was heve  By marianna

i learned that chinchalus are gunia pigs cosinsand that there are 1000 types of toads  and      abut pythons i was wearing it       by peter

I learned dat Chincilas are indagerd animals and sum
snake’s ared slimey at all.
    Plus baby’s animals are at least 3 feet long.by Stephene  

Today was cool I got to see live animals.I got to see a snake it was big I let it go on my neck. I got to see a chinchilla it was soft. They are in danger. Because some people like to kill them. Because the soft fur is like a cotte  but the chinchillas are small so people have to kill more than  one. I got to see a  toad her name was Velvit the toed  was smooth.I got to see armadillo i did not no  that it was a malemo it had fur on his belly by Kara.

We  got  to  see  a  chinchilla,python,toad,armadillo,alligator. I  loved   seeing  all  of  the  animal,s. It  was  the  best  since  alive  in  the  world. It  was  more  than  the  best  it  was  awsome.        by  Tanner

Today at science alive I learned that snakes don’t have ears and noses so they smell and hear with their tongues.We saw a chinchilla snake alligator armadillo and a big toad.I learned that chinchillas are the fluffiest mammal living and snakes can’t blink because they don’t have eyelids.I learned snakes are reptiles and not mammals.by Taya

I loved it I got to see a  snake and a armadillo a cruk a chinchilla a towd and thats it. by  selah

Hi my name is Taylor and I am going to tell you about Science Alive yesterday.There was a scientist named Mrs. Neill and the animals that she brought were...a chinchilla,bernice python,baby crocidile and a giant toad named Velvet.By Taylor

There was a big toad he was really bumpy.by emily


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