Thursday, December 11, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:44 PM
I am so excited about this fairy tale unit because it isn't just about comparing literature, or learning what elements authors use to create a fairy tale story, it's about so much more!  We have read about princes and princesses dancing at the ball and we wanted to learn how!  So, today we used our "extra" gym day to call in Ms. Jane from Dance Zone to teach us how to waltz!!    Ms. Jane showed us the complicated (but fun!) box step and we slowly but surely figure out how to move our feet to the 1-2-3 rhythm of the music.  There were a few skeptical members of the royal BUG family to start with, but by the end, there was a room full of smiles, giggles and fits of glee! See for yourself!!

We had to really work on right and left - which foot goes forward, which foot moves to the side.  Then we had to learn which hand we will hold with our dance partner!
 Being a prince or a princess is far more complicated than we realized!

Taya and Elijah caught on quickly!

Tanner and Stephene worked hard to get the steps right!

The whole class had such a fun time learning something so new and different today!  We will keep practicing, and Ms. Jane will come back again to help us learn even more, but we can't wait to show you all on Fairy Tale Friday how we can waltz!!

1 comment:

  1. it was cool learning how to waltz and on Fairy Tale friday where going to waltz.Darrin
