Monday, December 1, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:44 AM

Hey BUGS!!  What did you do over your long Thanksgiving weekend?


  1. by Stephene I played with cusin's and eat Cheese Cake.

  2. What I did on thanksgiving I helpt my mom bake the cake and I played a game

  3. I ate stuffing and lots of turkey.I saw my aunt that was up north.I went to my grandma,s and played with my brother and sister.when it was time to go I remembered we need to eat dessert.

  4. what I did was I went to my aunt,s. We had food I ate a lot. I had fun my cusins I play with them we listed to songs . I love thanksgiving by Kara

  5. I got a big Olaf and it sings. by mckenna

  6. I had a fest with good food . by logan

  7. Well I went to my grandma's house and played games with my brother and cousin. I ate a lot of food and dessert .I ended my Thanksgiving with I think a movie.
