Monday, December 1, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:28 PM
I forget how many of these I've done.  That's what I get for naming them with sequential numbers, huh?  In any case, if you're looking for ideas to do at home here are a couple for this week:

Reading: Go on a word hunt!  Use any book, newspaper, magazine, catalog, junk mail, anything and see what amazing words your child can find and read!  Look for words with two syllables, or plural or for this week - regular past tense verbs (they all end with -ed!) Maybe you want to find words with double letters and see if you can figure out why?  Remember, you don't have to know all the answers you just have to keep asking questions!

Math: Demonstrate math in real life.  Show your student times when you have to use math as an adult and let him/her participate!  Even if the actual math is too complicated, can they tell you if you should add or subtract?  How do they know that?  Can they help write the math sentence for the problem?  Whether you are cooking, building, paying bills, paying for groceries or getting gas we use math a lot in our lives and our kids benefit from seeing those applications and participating in them!


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