Saturday, December 13, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:37 AM
On Friday, we held our December Sharing Day, where we read our Reader's Theater plays, shared artwork we had created and also read journals and stories with our audience.  As always, we are so appreciative of all who attend and show their support for our learning.  Presenting in front of an audience builds so much confidence and also motivates us to do our best reading, writing and creating!  

Abby shared  her journal writing about our visit from the Science Alive biologists!

Ana shared a house she made in art with opening windows!

Several students shared their pattern artwork they made in Art.

Darrin shared his math problem of the week and explained how we work through a problem each week as math detectives so we can learn and practice problem-solving strategies.

Kara read her silly story that she authored titled, "Silly, Silly Baby" to the amusement of the audience.

Taylor shared her story called "The Ice Cream Shop".

Thomas shared his journal writing about Science Alive, telling the audience about the animals we learned about. 

Alijah, Selah, Abby, Tylyn and Emily performed "Taunuki's Gift"

Peter, Kathryn, Taylor, Stephene and Tanner performed "The Boy Who Drew Cats"

Marianna, Thomas, Logan, Kyle, Emma, Dawson and Taylor (substitute) performed "Doctor Jen" (I apologize that this video is cut short, my iPad was out of memory!! Zoiks!)

Kara, Ana, Taya, Taylor and Darrin performed, "The Project"

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