Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:59 PM

Darrin was the first student to get all 100 addition facts right in under five minutes!  Way to go, Darrin!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:40 PM
What do you get when you take one room of wound up second graders...

...throw in a wonderful parapro (Mrs. Stine)...

...add one family game about adjectives and nouns...

...with a dash of giggles...

...and a bushel of teamwork?

You get Apples to Apples!!  
The BUGS had a wonderful time playing Apples to Apples, Jr. today. 
 (I don't think they even realized we were practicing adjectives and nouns!) 

Sorry you missed it?!  Here's a glimpse of what happened...

There was a lively discussion about what was quieter, a snowball, a tomato or oatmeal?   (the snowball was chosen by the group, but Raggedy Ann was the overall winner!  The judge (Mrs. Koehn) had to then show pictures of Raggedy Ann for this too-young crowd to understand how quiet she was!)

In defense of popcorn being "brave", an explanation was given that it "does go in the microwave to be exploded!"

Cinderella was justifiably described as "fast" because "if she'd been going slowly, she wouldn't have lost her shoe!"

Someone's grandma (we won't name names) was described as "mean".  (That's going to be an interesting Thanksgiving dinner!)

But I'm left wondering, should I be concerned that there was a rather involved discussion about how kittens are smooth?!?!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:30 AM
The BUGS have been working so hard the past few months so we took some time today to have some fun.  Of course, we always sneak in some learning during our fun, too!  Today we played Around the World, which is a fun way to practice math facts!  While Darrin, Taya and Tanner might have made it all the way "around the world" (all the way to the prize box!), everyone was a winner today as we got faster with our addition facts!  
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:24 AM
On a roll with reading!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:23 AM
Way to go, Abby!  Keep on reading!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:27 AM
The Early Elementary students were delighted to visit the LE this morning to see a performance of the "Aristocats!"  It was an amazing production!

We loved all the songs, dancing and the funny story!

We even saw some former BUGS!!

(Some were disguised as ducklings!)

We are so grateful for Ms. Goodenough and Ms. Jane, who put in long hours and lots of work to make this production possible!  It's obvious how much the performers enjoyed the opportunity and our students at the EE are excited about having more opportunities to see such amazing performances!  Thanks to you both for an amazing show!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:51 PM
at art

We were making a owl in art.I made a flying one.My firend daisy we did the same thing.I didint no what to do so I sead to daisy what shud I do she sead put moutins I ugreed.I did a sunset and grass and flowers and a huse on a hill I thut it was peretyI was dune and rady to go home I got home my mom sead good! yay.  by selah

About the Author

Selah is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with her mom and brother. About her inspiration for this story, Selah said, "I like to do a owl.  It is easy."  When Selah grows up, she wants to be an illustrator.  
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:51 PM
Silly Silly Baby

Once upon a time there lived a baby her name was Selha she lived with her mom dad sister and brother.She was just like a baby but her skin was pink and her dress  was pink and her hair was pink to.One day she was on the table she knock a plate it cost a lot of money.One day she went to a pottery she tried to make a new one it did not work it went all over. It was bathtime she ripd the rubber duck. It was funny for a baby. her mom dad sister and brother thought it was funny. At the park she got sand in her diaper her mom dad sister and brother thought it was funny . Ond day she went to other pottery she tried to make a new one and she did she was so happy her moms birthday was tomorrow.She gave it to her she loved it.

THE END by Kara

About the Author
Kara is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with her mom, dad, Logan, Tyler and her grandparents.  About her inspiration for this story, Kara says, "I wanted to make a silly story.  The first thing that popped in my head was Silly Silly Baby.  I said, "That is it!" I had so much fun making it!"  When Kara grows up she hopes to become an author.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:15 PM
Busy Bee

One day on bee street there was a busy bee. his name was Jim. he was a polonater and  a honey bee.he had to work every day. he never had weekends  or brakes.One day he deicided to take a  day off .he wanted to go to work they said he was fierd. how will I ever find  a  job now he said. he asked his friend simon  he did not know how to him a job.he asked Tery the turtule  she did  not know.Jim saw a tree it said we need a new mail man he was hierd   the end - by Kathryn

About the Author

Kathryn is eight years old and lives in Paw Paw with her cat, her mom and dad and her brother.  Kathryn's inspiration for this story came from our classroom theme of BUGS!! When Kathryn grows up, she wants to be an author, an illustrator, a scientist and an artist.  
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:04 PM
Yummy Ice Cream

One day a girl Ellie wanted ice cream. She walked to Devan’s Ice Cream Shop. When she walked in it was not Devan standing there.The man said his name was Jackson.No one else was there besides the two people. Ellie said ’’Hi can I please have a Chocolate peanut nutty Vanilla cone?’’Jackson said ‘’ I’m sorry we don’t have that today. So Ellie and Jackson went to the store.Ellie said’’ I will go get the ice cream and you go get the nutty nuts. So Jackson went to get the nuts.But they had no nuts.Jackson went to the manager and he asked ‘’Do you have any nuts?’’ ‘’NO!’’yelled the manager.So they went home all disappointed. Jackson went to the back and looked all around.But no nuts were found.They went to another store and they didn’t have any. Secretly...nuts were hidden in the back of the shop! Jackson found the nuts and ice cream. He said ‘’Aha!’’ He gave Ellie a ice cream cone and he got himself a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone.They lived very happily! The End. by Taya!

About the Author

Taya is seven years old and lives in Mattawan with her mom, dad and brother.  Taya says, "I was thinking very much about ice cream when I was thinking of my story!" When Taya grows up she hopes to become an author.  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:15 PM
Here is my conference schedule for next Monday and Tuesday.  If you have a conflict, or if there's a better time to meet, please just let me know.  Our conferences were changed to just 15 minutes this year, so if you'd like more time, please feel free to schedule during any of my open slots (just let me know so I'm in the room!)

I am really looking forward to talking with all of you at conferences!


P.S. If you haven't already downloaded a QR reader to your smart phone, we recommend it!  We have a little mystery for you to solve while you wait for conferences!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:22 PM
While Mrs. Koehn is curled up on her couch under a warm blanket reading and researching for her graduate homework, the B.U.G.S. are....
(tell us in the comments what you are up to today, BUGS!)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:30 PM
A couple more suggestions for quick and painless activities for home (or car, or doctor's waiting room...)

Reading - Ask you child to compare two words, or two characters, two settings, two...ANYTHINGS!!  "How is our house like Grandma's house?  How is it different?"  "How is an apple like an orange?  How are they different?"  "What is the same about the game of football and baseball?"  As always, just asking your child to think about similarities AND to articulate their thinking builds BRAIN POWER!!

Math - Play "How Many Ways To Make..."  Give your child a number and ask them how many different ways they can make that number.  For beginners, most students will come up with two numbers they can add together to make the number.  For example, if you suggest "12", your child might initially suggest "2+10, 6+6, 8+4", etc.  But challenge them (without providing too many hints) to think beyond these facts.  When your child begins to think creatively, producing "15-3" or "10+5-3" get REALLY EXCITED!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:16 PM
Way to go, Kara!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:54 PM
The Book of Life

My mom took me to the movies to see the Book of Life. It is about a boy who plays a guitar.  He was a skeleton and a bad guy cheting  . he wus a bul kilr. thar wus a bad guy he got a berd. he  wus   bad. I  saw the bad guy king to atak  thervillge big guy wos  kil the villge got saved  - by Thomas

About the Author

Thomas is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with his mom, brother and dog, Sammy.  When Thomas grows up he wants to be a chef.  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:34 PM
Teachers always know when snow is coming.
Mrs. Roger's calls the kids "barometers" as we can often tell from their behavior that a change in the weather is imminent! 
Sure enough, snow today!!  
The kids were excited to bundle up at lunch today and get outside!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:28 PM
I found this list of "Do's and Don'ts for Reading Aloud" in one of my graduate school textbooks.  I thought it had some great suggestions!

  • Begin reading to children as early in their lives as they can be supported to sit and listen.
  • Use rhymes, raps, songs, chants, poetry, and pictures to stimulate oral language development, listening and interaction with others.
  • Read aloud to children at least 10-15 minutes daily, more often if possible.
  • Set aside a time for daily reading aloud in the family's schedule.
  • Read picture books to all ages, but gradually move to reading longer books without pictures as well.
  • Vary the topics and genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry) of read aloud selections.
  • Read books that stretch children's intellectual and oral language development.
  • Allow plenty of time for interaction before, during and after the reading.
  • Read aloud with expression and enthusiasm.
  • Add another dimension to reading by occasionally using hand movements or puppets or by dressing up in costume.
  • Carry a book with you at all times to model your love of books and reading.
  • Don't read aloud too fast.
  • Don't read aloud books that children can read on their own - give a "book talk" instead!
  • Don't read aloud books and stories you don't enjoy yourself.
  • Don't continue reading a book you don't like.  Admit it, and choose another.
  • Don't impose your interpretations and preferences on children.
  • Don't confuse quantity for quality.
  • Don't use reading aloud as a reward or punishment.

If I can add a few of my own "do's"...
  • Ask questions of your child! Make their brain process information and think of answers.  Don't accept a shrug as an answer.  
  • Let your child see you reading often.  Talk with your child about what you are reading and why.
  • Use the public library!!  Ms. Whitney at the Paw Paw Public Library is a fantastic resource!  She's an amazing librarian for children and can find books for every passion!
  • Give books as gifts!  No one can ever have too many books and it helps students to think of them as gifts to be treasured (which they are!!)
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:57 AM
My First and Favorite Sleepover

One day I played with my friend Ashley.Ashley and I played at Ashley’s house in  their basement.We were playing with Ashley’s pollys.We also played on Ashley’s xbox three sixty.We played just dance disney party and disney infinity.Just then  Ashley’s mom Michelle called us up for lunch.We went upstairs and for lunch Ashley had a peanut butter and butter sandwich.I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.Michelle said’’please eat outside girls’’.When we went outside we said ‘’this is great’’.They were delicious.Ashley’s mom told us to play outside once we were finished eating and had put away our dishes.When we went and played outside I had my bike.We rode our bikes in the hot,shady,grassy yard.We rode around Ashley’s house a couple of times then Ashley and I asked Ashleys mom if we could play inside after we played outside for an hour biking, swinging and flipping.Ashley’s mom said ‘’sure.’’When we went inside Ashley and I played  on Ashley’s iPad mini then we went downstairs and played with Ashley’s pollys again.Just then Ashley’s sister came down stairs.Her name is Alyson.She said ‘’come up stairs.We asked ‘’why?’’ She said ‘’just come on.’’So then we went up stairs and Ashley’s dad was there.Her dad had got a new job.Ashley said ‘’wow dad!’’When they were done  talking Ashley and I rode our bikes to my house it was fast and fun.Ashley’s mom followed us on their golf cart.Ashley and I played for about an hour or two.Ashley and I could hear our mom,s talking but we had no idea what they were saying.But then I cracked open my door.When I cracked it I heard Ashley and I were going to have a sleepover.I ran out of my room and ran outside.I screamed ‘’AWESOME!!’’Ashley and I played some more then I packed up two of my bags.Ashley and I rode our bikes back to Ashley’s house.We ate together.Finally it was time for bed.But I could not sleep.So I tried reading but that did not work.I tried sleeping on Ashleys bed but that did not work.So finally Ashley and I went to Ashley’s mom.She said ‘’go to Alysons room and sleep in her bed.’’We went to Alyson’s bed.We played some music.It was Cristmas music.We fell asleep with the music.We had fun.But in the morning Ashley and I woke up  and smelled the sweet smell of pancakes.Ashley said her mom made plain pancakes.We asked if Michelle would make chocolate chip pancakes.She said’’yes.’’ We said ‘’thank you.’’We ate and we ate then we got dressed and brushed our teeth then I packed up my bags and then I rode home.Ashley came home with then we played together.At eleven’o’clock Ashley had to go home because Tyler my brother had an away football game.I said ‘’good bye.’’ Ashley said ‘’have fun at the game hope you win and we can have another sleepover some time.’’I said ‘’I hope so to for both.’’  - by Taya

Taya is seven years old and lives in Mattawan with her mom, dad and brother.  She was thinking of her best friend and while she was thinking, she decided she wanted to write about her first sleepover.  When Taya grows up she hopes to become an author. 
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:54 AM
Awesome job, Abby!!  
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:54 AM
Way to go, Taya!!  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:22 AM

What is a veteran?  Why do we honor them today (and every day?)
(See comments for responses from the kids!)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:58 PM
A new week, new suggestions!

Math:  Play 20 questions but with a number.  For instance have your child think of a number from 1-20 to start with.  Then ask questions.  Is it a one digit number?  Is it a two-digit number?  Are the two digits the same or are they different?  Can you cut the number in half?  Is it odd or even?  Then do the same back to your child.  It helps to model the sorts of questions you might ask.  Make sure your child is asking you informational questions about the number and not just guessing numbers!

Reading/Language: Play rhyming games.  Start with a sentence at the dinner table that follows a silly pattern, such as "I wish I had a cat, that had a purple hat."  Then ask the next person at the table to make up a silly rhyming sentence of their own.  If your child is stuck (or perhaps a younger sibling is playing along, provide an easy word to rhyme with to help them get started)  "Maybe you wish you had a goat..." and let them fill in the rest "...with a long black coat!"

Let me know (as always) if you think of variations or other ideas!  We can all use fresh ideas on learning at home!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:53 PM
If you need some help with understanding the concepts and strategy behind tonight's math homework, watch this video:
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:56 PM
A "Save the Date" flyer is coming home with your student today (hopefully) about a Spaghetti Dinner/ Silent Auction fundraiser.  This fundraiser has traditionally been a Later Elementary event, but now that we are a joint campus, the Early Elementary has the opportunity to participate as well!  

This dinner will be held Tuesday, January 27th.  Each class will be collecting items to put together into a "basket" to be auctioned off that evening.  Our basket theme is "GAMES!" If you are able, this holiday season, to pick up an extra game or two while you are out shopping, we'd love the contributions for our basket!  Anything from cards to travel games to board games are great ideas!  We'd also love lawn activities and especially games to be played as a family!  

I am happy to hang on to the donations for the duration, so any time you are able to bring them in, I'll put them together for our basket!  

So, please mark your calendars for this event and support our schools through this FUN-draiser!! 


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:39 PM
Congratulations, Taylor!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:27 PM
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:01 PM
We are so fortunate every year to have a brass quintet (or sometimes a percussion duo, or a string quartet...) to come visit the elementary campus!  
These musicians do an amazing job of introducing the students to the brass family of instruments, explaining how the sounds are made, why some sounds are higher pitched than others and more!  

The musicians showed us how long a trombone is (IF you could untangle all the pipes!)

Then we saw how long a tuba is and we noticed the longer the pipes, the lower the sound!

The group played a "theme and variation" for us today - the same melody pattern in lots of different rhythms and sounds!  

Can you name the song that they are using for the "theme" of all these variations?

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Thanks to Ms. Miller for arranging this educational concert for us, and thank you especially to the KSO Brass Quintet for coming to our school today!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:13 PM
Congratulations Taya!!  Way to read!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:08 PM
I thought I'd try to offer up some ideas each week on things you might do at home with your child.  I promise to offer ideas that are great for those times when you're waiting in line, driving in the car, or sitting at the dinner table.  In addition, these activities will use only materials you already have around your house!  If you have other activities (or apps...) you are using with your child, please, PLEASE leave comments and share with everyone!  We all love good ideas!!

Chaining Word Game - educators often refer to this task as "chaining" but call it whatever catchy phrase hooks your child!  You don't need any materials, and you can play for 30 second or twenty minutes!  Start with a word your child can easily spell - it might be two letter, three letters or five letters.  Say the word out loud to your child and then ask him/her to change a certain letter or sound.  Keep going, making changes as you go and have your child mentally figure out the new word and then say it out loud.  It might go something like this:
Mom:  "Think about the word 'cap'.  How many sounds do you hear?"
Student: "Three.  /c/ /a/ /p/."
Mom:  "Great!  What word do you make if you change the last sound to /t/?"
Student: "cat!"
Mom:  "Brilliant!  Keep 'cat' in your change the first sound to /b/.  What do you have?"
Student: "bat!"
Mom: "Good job!  Now change the vowel to an 'e'.  What word did you make?"
Student: "bet?" 
Mom:  "Right again!! How about if you add a sound?  How about adding an /n/ sound after the vowel?  What word do you have now?"
Student: "bent!"

You can change all the sounds by telling him/her the letter to change, the place in the word ("change the first sound to...") or the sound it makes.  Vowels are often times the hardest part, but the most beneficial to students who struggle with spelling.  For struggling spellers, this game can be done on paper as well, allowing the child to write down the changes as they go and see the new word produced.  Eventually, asking the child to do the letter manipulations mentally helps them to really process the sounds!!

This activity really helps students develop "phoneme awareness" which is a fancy way of saying they can hear all the sounds in the word and "orthography" which means they can understand how to represent each sound when writing it.

Silent Math Game - we play this while waiting in line.  It's really great for when you need your child to be quiet!!  You could adapt it while driving, by just saying the numbers and the functions, too.  The key is to make your child do the math in his/her head!!  Pick a number to start with.  When playing silently, I show the number using my fingers to the class.  Then I show either a plus sign or a minus sign with my fingers and another number.  Students do the calculation and then keep that answer in their heads.  We go through several steps, adding, subtracting, doubling, cutting in half...until after about 6 or 7 steps, I ask the kids to "show me their number".  You can adjust the game to fit the ability of your child by making the math easier or harder.  For those still working on math facts to ten, only use 0-9.  For those that have those numbers mastered, push them up beyond 20!!  For more advanced students, ask them to lead the game as this requires them to do the math and remember the facts as well!

Stay tuned next week for more at home activities!!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:56 AM
If you were given a special potion on Halloween that would make you able to fly, would you drink it?  Why or why not?

(Check out the comments to see what our BUGS thought about this dilemma!) 
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:51 AM
What would Halloween be without sword fighting?!  Some "pirates" from the high school came to show us some of their sword fighting skills.  These students are performing in the upcoming play "Treasure Island" at the PAC.

Mrs. Lee even showed off her amazing sword fighting skills!

The pirates also showed us how they could play fight with staffs!  

Arrrggghhh Mateys!!  Come to 'de show on November 14-16 at the PAC or you'll be forced to walk the plank!!

(The kids were fascinated!)

We had superheroes and villains at our Halloween party this year...

...and all kinds of other characters, too!

Everyone had a great time!

Even goddesses have to snack sometime!

We enjoyed all the great snacks our families brought for us...

...and we appreciated having so much help!

Even Mickey came to play some Halloween BINGO!