Thursday, November 13, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:28 PM
I found this list of "Do's and Don'ts for Reading Aloud" in one of my graduate school textbooks.  I thought it had some great suggestions!

  • Begin reading to children as early in their lives as they can be supported to sit and listen.
  • Use rhymes, raps, songs, chants, poetry, and pictures to stimulate oral language development, listening and interaction with others.
  • Read aloud to children at least 10-15 minutes daily, more often if possible.
  • Set aside a time for daily reading aloud in the family's schedule.
  • Read picture books to all ages, but gradually move to reading longer books without pictures as well.
  • Vary the topics and genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry) of read aloud selections.
  • Read books that stretch children's intellectual and oral language development.
  • Allow plenty of time for interaction before, during and after the reading.
  • Read aloud with expression and enthusiasm.
  • Add another dimension to reading by occasionally using hand movements or puppets or by dressing up in costume.
  • Carry a book with you at all times to model your love of books and reading.
  • Don't read aloud too fast.
  • Don't read aloud books that children can read on their own - give a "book talk" instead!
  • Don't read aloud books and stories you don't enjoy yourself.
  • Don't continue reading a book you don't like.  Admit it, and choose another.
  • Don't impose your interpretations and preferences on children.
  • Don't confuse quantity for quality.
  • Don't use reading aloud as a reward or punishment.

If I can add a few of my own "do's"...
  • Ask questions of your child! Make their brain process information and think of answers.  Don't accept a shrug as an answer.  
  • Let your child see you reading often.  Talk with your child about what you are reading and why.
  • Use the public library!!  Ms. Whitney at the Paw Paw Public Library is a fantastic resource!  She's an amazing librarian for children and can find books for every passion!
  • Give books as gifts!  No one can ever have too many books and it helps students to think of them as gifts to be treasured (which they are!!)


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