Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:40 PM
What do you get when you take one room of wound up second graders...

...throw in a wonderful parapro (Mrs. Stine)...

...add one family game about adjectives and nouns...

...with a dash of giggles...

...and a bushel of teamwork?

You get Apples to Apples!!  
The BUGS had a wonderful time playing Apples to Apples, Jr. today. 
 (I don't think they even realized we were practicing adjectives and nouns!) 

Sorry you missed it?!  Here's a glimpse of what happened...

There was a lively discussion about what was quieter, a snowball, a tomato or oatmeal?   (the snowball was chosen by the group, but Raggedy Ann was the overall winner!  The judge (Mrs. Koehn) had to then show pictures of Raggedy Ann for this too-young crowd to understand how quiet she was!)

In defense of popcorn being "brave", an explanation was given that it "does go in the microwave to be exploded!"

Cinderella was justifiably described as "fast" because "if she'd been going slowly, she wouldn't have lost her shoe!"

Someone's grandma (we won't name names) was described as "mean".  (That's going to be an interesting Thanksgiving dinner!)

But I'm left wondering, should I be concerned that there was a rather involved discussion about how kittens are smooth?!?!

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