Monday, November 10, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:58 PM
A new week, new suggestions!

Math:  Play 20 questions but with a number.  For instance have your child think of a number from 1-20 to start with.  Then ask questions.  Is it a one digit number?  Is it a two-digit number?  Are the two digits the same or are they different?  Can you cut the number in half?  Is it odd or even?  Then do the same back to your child.  It helps to model the sorts of questions you might ask.  Make sure your child is asking you informational questions about the number and not just guessing numbers!

Reading/Language: Play rhyming games.  Start with a sentence at the dinner table that follows a silly pattern, such as "I wish I had a cat, that had a purple hat."  Then ask the next person at the table to make up a silly rhyming sentence of their own.  If your child is stuck (or perhaps a younger sibling is playing along, provide an easy word to rhyme with to help them get started)  "Maybe you wish you had a goat..." and let them fill in the rest "...with a long black coat!"

Let me know (as always) if you think of variations or other ideas!  We can all use fresh ideas on learning at home!


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