Thursday, November 20, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:04 PM
Yummy Ice Cream

One day a girl Ellie wanted ice cream. She walked to Devan’s Ice Cream Shop. When she walked in it was not Devan standing there.The man said his name was Jackson.No one else was there besides the two people. Ellie said ’’Hi can I please have a Chocolate peanut nutty Vanilla cone?’’Jackson said ‘’ I’m sorry we don’t have that today. So Ellie and Jackson went to the store.Ellie said’’ I will go get the ice cream and you go get the nutty nuts. So Jackson went to get the nuts.But they had no nuts.Jackson went to the manager and he asked ‘’Do you have any nuts?’’ ‘’NO!’’yelled the manager.So they went home all disappointed. Jackson went to the back and looked all around.But no nuts were found.They went to another store and they didn’t have any. Secretly...nuts were hidden in the back of the shop! Jackson found the nuts and ice cream. He said ‘’Aha!’’ He gave Ellie a ice cream cone and he got himself a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone.They lived very happily! The End. by Taya!

About the Author

Taya is seven years old and lives in Mattawan with her mom, dad and brother.  Taya says, "I was thinking very much about ice cream when I was thinking of my story!" When Taya grows up she hopes to become an author.  


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