Monday, November 17, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:30 PM
A couple more suggestions for quick and painless activities for home (or car, or doctor's waiting room...)

Reading - Ask you child to compare two words, or two characters, two settings, two...ANYTHINGS!!  "How is our house like Grandma's house?  How is it different?"  "How is an apple like an orange?  How are they different?"  "What is the same about the game of football and baseball?"  As always, just asking your child to think about similarities AND to articulate their thinking builds BRAIN POWER!!

Math - Play "How Many Ways To Make..."  Give your child a number and ask them how many different ways they can make that number.  For beginners, most students will come up with two numbers they can add together to make the number.  For example, if you suggest "12", your child might initially suggest "2+10, 6+6, 8+4", etc.  But challenge them (without providing too many hints) to think beyond these facts.  When your child begins to think creatively, producing "15-3" or "10+5-3" get REALLY EXCITED!!


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