Monday, November 3, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:51 AM
What would Halloween be without sword fighting?!  Some "pirates" from the high school came to show us some of their sword fighting skills.  These students are performing in the upcoming play "Treasure Island" at the PAC.

Mrs. Lee even showed off her amazing sword fighting skills!

The pirates also showed us how they could play fight with staffs!  

Arrrggghhh Mateys!!  Come to 'de show on November 14-16 at the PAC or you'll be forced to walk the plank!!

(The kids were fascinated!)

We had superheroes and villains at our Halloween party this year...

...and all kinds of other characters, too!

Everyone had a great time!

Even goddesses have to snack sometime!

We enjoyed all the great snacks our families brought for us...

...and we appreciated having so much help!

Even Mickey came to play some Halloween BINGO! 


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