Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:08 PM
A few pictures from our party today!
(Special thanks to our "videographer", Mia for taking many of these candids!)

A HUGE thank-you to everyone who sent in supplies and goodies for our party!!
They were delish and the kids gobbled them right up!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:18 PM
I was at the Classic Arcade (it had like 50 games) for my grandma's birthday.  When I was done playing Mario bros. (Mario is a guy that breaks bricks.) I went to find my dad.  I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find him.  In my head I said, "Where is he?" I said panicly.  I want to play the Sims.  Finally I found him playing pinball.  I thought that was strange because he usually doesn't play pinball.  I didn't know I made a mistake.

So I went over to him and said, "Hi dad! Do you want to play the Sims with me?"  hugging his arm.  He said, "What?!?!" Then I said again, "Do you want to - " then I paused.  "Sorry!" I had the wrong dad.  He said, "Whoops! You have the wrong dad." Then I walked off embarrassed.  I did not tell anyone.  Also, my dad was in the bathroom.
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:15 PM
I was with my mom and dad n our way to ComicCon.  ComicCon is where people dress up and take pictures.  I was dressed up at Captain America.  It took forever to get there.  In the car I played on my phone.  I also read a book.

When we got there, we had to wait in a line to go look around.  Then I saw an R2-D2.  He was moving forward and backward.  Left and right.  But then we saw a man with a remote control and realize that it was a robot.  After that I started to play with my phone.

When we got in a bunch of things.  I saw people dressed up.  I saw figurines.  I saw black and white superhero photos.  Everything was so cool. 

I went to take pictures with a bunch of people.  I took pictures with the Penguin and Wonder Woman.  I took one with Chewbacca and Darth Vadar.  I also took one with the Minions.

When I was done taking pictures I went to look at figurines.  There were Star Wars figurines and Marvel figurines.  There were also DC Comics figurines.  So many choices.  I finally chose an Iron Man figurine, a Thor figurine, a Captain American figurine.  I also got a Hulk figurine.

When I was done getting figurines, I looked at pictures.  I saw a bunch of pictures.  There was a Joker picture and a Venom picture.  I finally chose I got a huge Spiderman and Joker posters.  I also got a Spiderman fighting Venom picture. But I really liked the Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Spiderman and Batman black and white pictures.

When we were done, I took one last look around and said let's go home.  I gave my mom and dad a hug and we left the building.  I gave them another hug then I said thank you for bringing me here.  Then we left.
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:10 PM

December 22, 7:00pm

It was silent but my heart still felt like it would explode.  We were eating.  I was seven and it was a late winter evening. In exactly 48 hours I would meet my grandma for the first time.

December 23, 8:30am

It was very early and my family had just passed through security.  It was my first time but my mom explained everything and I made it out alive.  We were all hungry so we headed to the food court.  Immediately my senses filled with the smell of fresh baked bread and hot pizza.  The chatter of people filled my ears.  Eventually, I chose a sandwich and we ate.

December 23, 9:00am

Me and my family were in line to board the plane.  It was my first time boarding and personally I thought it was pretty cool.  Then we boarded the plane.

December 23, 12:40pm

Everybody got off to the airport.  We gathered our luggage and we headed to the door.  The minute she opened them I was amazed.  The air was filled with warmth, there were palm trees and sun lit up every corner!  People were happily talking.

December 23, 1:13pm

We had just arrived at the car rental and it was time to start the trip.

December 23, 3:25

We finally arrived at the hotel and it had everything from vending machines to pull-out couches.  Soon we settled in our room and took some much needed sleep.  Best first day in Arizona.

December 24, 1:15pm

We were now on our final part of the trip to meet my grandma!

December 24, 3:37pm

I couldn't wait!!  With all the things that happened this by far was the most exciting!  We go out of the car and there she was, standing arms wide open, my grandma with dark grey hair and a smile that could light up the whole town!  I gave her a big hug along with everyone else.  The minute I stepped in her door, I was greeted by the biggest, friendliest dog ever.

December 24, 5:30pm

We met up with all my relatives and had dinner.  My grandma and set up quite the menu that consisted of chicken, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.  It looked like dinner you could serve to a king!

December 28, 1:00

I have been in Arizona for only two days and I was having the best time!!  Sadly, I had to leave tomorrow.  I was going to miss Arizona but I had to go home sometime.  My family had all enjoyed the scorching heat and lovely view and everything in Arizona.

December 29, 1:00

My flight was in two hours and we were planning to spend all the time we could with grandma and grandpa.  me and my brother spent at least twenty minutes doing magic with an invisible ball.  We spent another thirty playing board games and spent the last hour walking the dog, talking and watching TV.  When it was time to go it was like a fawn parting from its mother.  I had rode a plane for the first time, had my day in Arizona, met my grandma for the first time.  It was hard to leave, but I had to.  I love my grandma with all my heart.
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:47 PM
Yesterday, in Music class, the BUGS went down in history as the FIRST CLASS EVER to receive TWO "clip ups" from Ms. Heasley!!!  Classes can earn a "clip up" for being awesome during music class and the BUGS were so amazing she just had to give them TWO!  This has never happened before EVER!! 
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:34 PM
As part of our review week for our new reading curriculum, the students get a chance to do some Reader's Theater.  Any student who has had me before knows how much I love Reader's Theater!!  Reading plays together helps build fluency, expression, prosody, build vocabulary, increase background knowledge and the experience is just FUN!!  There are fun plays for all reading levels so everyone can participate!  The kids really had a blast working on plays and we can't wait another six weeks before we get to do it again!  Here are the videos of our plays from today!!

"The Homework Lesson" with Bradley, Elizabeth, Brandyn, Karliegh and Shane.

Dakota and Kailee reading "The Hopping Frog Contest"

"Jack and the Giant Sunflower" with Gavin, Hannah, John, Madison, Gregory, Ava and Karsyn.

"Bug Banter" with Mia and Michael.

"Whodunit...Woo Knows?" with Andrew, Christian, Hannah, Victoria, Natalie, Aiden, Benny, Braden, Bella and Sophia

(Part 2 of Whodunit!)

Didn't they all do an amazing job today!!  Way to go brave BUGS!!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:03 AM
Hi! My name is Sophia and I’m here to tell you what’s up in our classroom. 1. Next week we will start unit 2 for our new Wonders program. 2. This week in Music we got two clip ups. (We are the first ever class to get two clip ups in the history of PPLE. No, more like the first ones in all of the Paw Paw schools.) 3. Halloween is coming soon so remember to wear your costume on Oct. 31,2018. Don’t forget to come to the parade at 11:15am. 4. Today is Arabella’s Birthday on October 26 2018.  

So have a great weekend. This Sophia tuning out for next time.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:48 PM
TWO book winners this month! 
Natalie and Victoria both won free books from Scholastic. 
They entered reading coupons into a monthly drawing and they won!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:13 AM
We started something a little different today with GREAT success!!  For the kids who have worked hard, been responsible and turned in homework and school work all week long, Fridays during reading station time just got a bit livelier!  Those students now have even more choice over what they do during station time!!  On Fridays, the students may choose to write a blog post (see Bella's post prior to this about cats!)... 

 they might draw an illustration or a scene from a story...

By Ava

By Elizabeth

 ...or they can just read for the whole time!

They may also write a script and record a video book review, or write on any topic or with any structure they choose!!  I was super excited to see and feel all the energy and excitement over literacy again today!  Watch this blog for pictures, videos and writing from the students!!

Thanks to Braden, our "videographer" for the week for the pictures!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:37 AM
Cats For Ever

Have you ever wanted a cat? Do you already have one? If you’ve ever wanted a cat here are some things you’ll need to look for.does the cat you want have a nice friendly attitude or do you think it might bite or scratch you? You also want to check for heartworm or disease if so you could go to vet and have it checked. While looking into a cat you want to choose a breed that you like,for example if you don’t want hair all over the floor you may want a sphinx or a short hair. If you absolutely love fluffy furry adorable cats you may look into a Persian. You should also look into your local vet to what type of food you should buy for your cat. Whatever you do always remember that your cat loves you and you should love it back!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:47 PM

Science Fair Information:

Science Fair Presentations will be on Thursday, November 15th in the Later Elementary cafeteria.

The project is worth 50 points (see point sheet that went home for details).

The projects need to include:
  • Experiment - all projects must be scientific experiments, not just models.  This means the students should be testing something and the results must be measurable.  No volcanoes, sink/float, yes/no, or sweet/salty experiments, please.
  • Log - The log is like a journal the student keeps throughout the entire project.  Every project must include a log with dated entries.  Anything the students thinks or does concerning the project must be written in the log with a date.  A simple folder with three prongs in the middle or a spiral or composition notebook would work well for the log. 
  • Timeline - The project (log book and display board) is due November 9th.  A timeline of suggested dates went home to help keep students on track.  That schedule will help keep pace for a timely completion of the project.  
The Science Fair Presentation will be on Thursday, November 15th for students to show off and discuss their projects with fellow classmates, friends, teachers and family.  Our class time slot is from 9:30-10:00.

Ms. Neidlinger put together a great powerpoint presentation that might help with some of the steps and provides examples.  You can view the presentation here

Also, the "Science Fair Project Investigation Guide" that was sent home is also available online here

Friday, October 5, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:25 PM
This coming week is HOMECOMING!!  To help celebrate and get into the spirit, we have some special days next week.  Please do NOT go out and buy anything new or special for these days, just search for something you already have!

Monday, October 8th - Comfy Clothes Day (pj's, sweats or comfy clothes!)
Tuesday, October 9th - Mismatch Day (Do your best NOT to match today!)
Wednesday, October 10th - Dress like your favorite character (TV, movie, book...)
Thursday, October 11th - 4th grade wears as much WHITE as possible!!
Friday, October 12th - SPIRIT DAY!!  (Wear your Paw Paw gear; red, white or black colors!)

Monday, October 1, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:59 AM
After the students helped me sort books for our classroom library, I spent the weekend at school putting it all together.  Putting together books I already had with our 300 new books as well as a move up two grade levels meant my system needed an upgrade!

I created bin labels for all our categories.  Then I took all the books, gave them each a matching label so it would be easy to know which bin they belonged in. (Theoretically making it a snap to return books to the proper bin.)

While the process was time-consuming, having an organized library full of new and classic titles is exciting not only to me, but to the students.  I was highly motivated to get this job done!

When all was said and done, our library took on a whole new feel!  Thanks to some donated money to help spruce up our corner, I added some beanbag chairs and brightly colored pillows to make reading more comfortable!

We will keep adding new books all the time to keep reading fresh, exciting and to address the specific reading interests and goals of the class!