Thursday, October 18, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:47 PM

Science Fair Information:

Science Fair Presentations will be on Thursday, November 15th in the Later Elementary cafeteria.

The project is worth 50 points (see point sheet that went home for details).

The projects need to include:
  • Experiment - all projects must be scientific experiments, not just models.  This means the students should be testing something and the results must be measurable.  No volcanoes, sink/float, yes/no, or sweet/salty experiments, please.
  • Log - The log is like a journal the student keeps throughout the entire project.  Every project must include a log with dated entries.  Anything the students thinks or does concerning the project must be written in the log with a date.  A simple folder with three prongs in the middle or a spiral or composition notebook would work well for the log. 
  • Timeline - The project (log book and display board) is due November 9th.  A timeline of suggested dates went home to help keep students on track.  That schedule will help keep pace for a timely completion of the project.  
The Science Fair Presentation will be on Thursday, November 15th for students to show off and discuss their projects with fellow classmates, friends, teachers and family.  Our class time slot is from 9:30-10:00.

Ms. Neidlinger put together a great powerpoint presentation that might help with some of the steps and provides examples.  You can view the presentation here

Also, the "Science Fair Project Investigation Guide" that was sent home is also available online here


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