Friday, October 19, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:13 AM
We started something a little different today with GREAT success!!  For the kids who have worked hard, been responsible and turned in homework and school work all week long, Fridays during reading station time just got a bit livelier!  Those students now have even more choice over what they do during station time!!  On Fridays, the students may choose to write a blog post (see Bella's post prior to this about cats!)... 

 they might draw an illustration or a scene from a story...

By Ava

By Elizabeth

 ...or they can just read for the whole time!

They may also write a script and record a video book review, or write on any topic or with any structure they choose!!  I was super excited to see and feel all the energy and excitement over literacy again today!  Watch this blog for pictures, videos and writing from the students!!

Thanks to Braden, our "videographer" for the week for the pictures!


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