Friday, October 26, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:10 PM

December 22, 7:00pm

It was silent but my heart still felt like it would explode.  We were eating.  I was seven and it was a late winter evening. In exactly 48 hours I would meet my grandma for the first time.

December 23, 8:30am

It was very early and my family had just passed through security.  It was my first time but my mom explained everything and I made it out alive.  We were all hungry so we headed to the food court.  Immediately my senses filled with the smell of fresh baked bread and hot pizza.  The chatter of people filled my ears.  Eventually, I chose a sandwich and we ate.

December 23, 9:00am

Me and my family were in line to board the plane.  It was my first time boarding and personally I thought it was pretty cool.  Then we boarded the plane.

December 23, 12:40pm

Everybody got off to the airport.  We gathered our luggage and we headed to the door.  The minute she opened them I was amazed.  The air was filled with warmth, there were palm trees and sun lit up every corner!  People were happily talking.

December 23, 1:13pm

We had just arrived at the car rental and it was time to start the trip.

December 23, 3:25

We finally arrived at the hotel and it had everything from vending machines to pull-out couches.  Soon we settled in our room and took some much needed sleep.  Best first day in Arizona.

December 24, 1:15pm

We were now on our final part of the trip to meet my grandma!

December 24, 3:37pm

I couldn't wait!!  With all the things that happened this by far was the most exciting!  We go out of the car and there she was, standing arms wide open, my grandma with dark grey hair and a smile that could light up the whole town!  I gave her a big hug along with everyone else.  The minute I stepped in her door, I was greeted by the biggest, friendliest dog ever.

December 24, 5:30pm

We met up with all my relatives and had dinner.  My grandma and set up quite the menu that consisted of chicken, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.  It looked like dinner you could serve to a king!

December 28, 1:00

I have been in Arizona for only two days and I was having the best time!!  Sadly, I had to leave tomorrow.  I was going to miss Arizona but I had to go home sometime.  My family had all enjoyed the scorching heat and lovely view and everything in Arizona.

December 29, 1:00

My flight was in two hours and we were planning to spend all the time we could with grandma and grandpa.  me and my brother spent at least twenty minutes doing magic with an invisible ball.  We spent another thirty playing board games and spent the last hour walking the dog, talking and watching TV.  When it was time to go it was like a fawn parting from its mother.  I had rode a plane for the first time, had my day in Arizona, met my grandma for the first time.  It was hard to leave, but I had to.  I love my grandma with all my heart.


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