Friday, October 26, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:18 PM
I was at the Classic Arcade (it had like 50 games) for my grandma's birthday.  When I was done playing Mario bros. (Mario is a guy that breaks bricks.) I went to find my dad.  I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find him.  In my head I said, "Where is he?" I said panicly.  I want to play the Sims.  Finally I found him playing pinball.  I thought that was strange because he usually doesn't play pinball.  I didn't know I made a mistake.

So I went over to him and said, "Hi dad! Do you want to play the Sims with me?"  hugging his arm.  He said, "What?!?!" Then I said again, "Do you want to - " then I paused.  "Sorry!" I had the wrong dad.  He said, "Whoops! You have the wrong dad." Then I walked off embarrassed.  I did not tell anyone.  Also, my dad was in the bathroom.


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