Monday, October 1, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:59 AM
After the students helped me sort books for our classroom library, I spent the weekend at school putting it all together.  Putting together books I already had with our 300 new books as well as a move up two grade levels meant my system needed an upgrade!

I created bin labels for all our categories.  Then I took all the books, gave them each a matching label so it would be easy to know which bin they belonged in. (Theoretically making it a snap to return books to the proper bin.)

While the process was time-consuming, having an organized library full of new and classic titles is exciting not only to me, but to the students.  I was highly motivated to get this job done!

When all was said and done, our library took on a whole new feel!  Thanks to some donated money to help spruce up our corner, I added some beanbag chairs and brightly colored pillows to make reading more comfortable!

We will keep adding new books all the time to keep reading fresh, exciting and to address the specific reading interests and goals of the class!


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