Friday, October 26, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:15 PM
I was with my mom and dad n our way to ComicCon.  ComicCon is where people dress up and take pictures.  I was dressed up at Captain America.  It took forever to get there.  In the car I played on my phone.  I also read a book.

When we got there, we had to wait in a line to go look around.  Then I saw an R2-D2.  He was moving forward and backward.  Left and right.  But then we saw a man with a remote control and realize that it was a robot.  After that I started to play with my phone.

When we got in a bunch of things.  I saw people dressed up.  I saw figurines.  I saw black and white superhero photos.  Everything was so cool. 

I went to take pictures with a bunch of people.  I took pictures with the Penguin and Wonder Woman.  I took one with Chewbacca and Darth Vadar.  I also took one with the Minions.

When I was done taking pictures I went to look at figurines.  There were Star Wars figurines and Marvel figurines.  There were also DC Comics figurines.  So many choices.  I finally chose an Iron Man figurine, a Thor figurine, a Captain American figurine.  I also got a Hulk figurine.

When I was done getting figurines, I looked at pictures.  I saw a bunch of pictures.  There was a Joker picture and a Venom picture.  I finally chose I got a huge Spiderman and Joker posters.  I also got a Spiderman fighting Venom picture. But I really liked the Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Spiderman and Batman black and white pictures.

When we were done, I took one last look around and said let's go home.  I gave my mom and dad a hug and we left the building.  I gave them another hug then I said thank you for bringing me here.  Then we left.


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