Friday, October 26, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:34 PM
As part of our review week for our new reading curriculum, the students get a chance to do some Reader's Theater.  Any student who has had me before knows how much I love Reader's Theater!!  Reading plays together helps build fluency, expression, prosody, build vocabulary, increase background knowledge and the experience is just FUN!!  There are fun plays for all reading levels so everyone can participate!  The kids really had a blast working on plays and we can't wait another six weeks before we get to do it again!  Here are the videos of our plays from today!!

"The Homework Lesson" with Bradley, Elizabeth, Brandyn, Karliegh and Shane.

Dakota and Kailee reading "The Hopping Frog Contest"

"Jack and the Giant Sunflower" with Gavin, Hannah, John, Madison, Gregory, Ava and Karsyn.

"Bug Banter" with Mia and Michael.

"Whodunit...Woo Knows?" with Andrew, Christian, Hannah, Victoria, Natalie, Aiden, Benny, Braden, Bella and Sophia

(Part 2 of Whodunit!)

Didn't they all do an amazing job today!!  Way to go brave BUGS!!


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