Thursday, January 31, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:23 AM

Topic: How do children change as they grow older?

How children change when they grow older is year after year. When kids are seven or eight they might be in second grade. Some times kids eat to get big. How I get big is sleep. I sleep because its good for you. By Noah

My brother is older than me. My brother is nine. I am seven. My brother is taller. I am  shorter. My brother is in fourth grade and I am in second grade.By Dominick  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:20 AM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!!  We rolled two story cubes today, one noun and one verb, and this is what came up as our story prompt: 


Once upon a time there was two teenagers driving. They were driving to a big building. But on there way there it was a bunch of traffic! The two girls didn’t have there driving cards. But they kept on driving and used there team work. The other girl on the passenger side nough how to drive but she doesn’t drive in traffic. So she just sat there and didn’t say nothing. Only there trying to visit there grandmother. The girl on the passenger side just said out loud and they got to the building the end By Carlysha

Once  there   was   a     little    girl   who   went     to    a     dirty     cacle.Her    name    was     Megan.   There   ByMeg  

When I  was walking down the street I saw a sky scraper it was like a hundred feet tall me and my dad and mom went inside of the sky scraper there was like a million rooms and that was the first time. I went in a sky scraper once I saw two girls going home from school and I was going to school we were doing the opposite of me because they were going home and I was going to school one time when I was going to school I saw mountains and then I went home and play my ds and play by Larz

When I was walking down a hill to a sky scraper with my daddy Josh and not my little brother Josh. When I was walking down the hill I sawn two of my friends and there name was Jake and my mom Sarah. My mom Sarah is a really good doctor . She is the most greatest one I ever had in my hole life since my mom got that job to be one.  When I was walking to the sky scraper I had my vary nice room . in the room there was a lot of books there. The place was so good and on the walls there was pitchers to look at. By krystiana

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:17 AM

Topic: Tell about your favorite animal

This is my favorite animal it is a baby bunny I like to feed them carets and pet them  they are so soft I play with them I even have one at home . I play with it a lot when ever I  get home I play with  it all the time .  Kalab my brother he all was  plays with it  a lot   the baby bunny  got tierd .So jack my baby bunny he hoped all the way to me then he just sat for a wiled  then jumped back in his cage and   he eats a lot of carets . By Lindy 

My  favorite  animal  is  a  giraffe . They  have  long  necks  to  get  to  eat  the  leafs  from  trees.  At  the  zoo  you  get  to  feed  them.  It  likes  to  eat  leafs  that  are  from  big  trees.  It  does  not  have  a  lot  of  furr   on  it  body.  It  does  not  have  big  horns  it  has  little  horns. It  has  big  eye  balls. It  has lots  of  black  in  the  eye  ball.   By Sam

My favorite animal is a cat. I like it because it is ferry . I also like cats because I have one all ready. His  name is berry I love him very much.. - by Phoebe

My favorite  animal is a sea turtle because it is vary cool to feel it’s cool shell. When I went to Florda I saw a sea  turtle  and I got to touch it’s shell and that was vary fun to do. That is my favorite animal. By Cheyenne 

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:15 AM


Over the snow days my brother found a lost cat and he named it Spongebob because he is yellow. Spongebob is an outside cat. Spongebob is a lap cat. One time  I was sitting down in a chair and he came and jumped on my lap. It was cute  though. - By Taylor

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:17 PM

We worked with a partner to make our writing even better!  It is wonderful to have friends who are such a big help when it comes to writing!  We got some great ideas, like adding more details, or help with making paragraphs correctly.  Thanks, friends!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:39 PM

Topic: Write about something you do the same every year.


I go kamping efry fol at the lake and we go fishing on the bote with awr poles by nick.

Three thing I do every year .

            The first  thing  read  very   good  I  am  so  good of   a   reader  I  read  firth  books it is  intising  . By jack.


I  will write a story today. Every year I like to do math it is good to do because when you get to be a grow up and when you get a job you have to do a lot of math . Miss Wilson likes to do math too and she is a grow up and she likes to do math because it is so fun to do math. Reading is fun because you are thinking that sometimes you are having an inarsing  story in our head. That is my story. By Ryleigh.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:39 PM


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:25 AM


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:37 PM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  Today we rolled two story cubes to give us inspiration for our journal writing.  We rolled a bouncing ball and a tree.  

My bouncy balls is in the thee and  I can not  get it out of the thee .    by Ethan 

My brother Dylon plays basketball and his first game tomarrow. One day a tree fell down at my house and it was a storm and I didn,t  evan know one day and it was a big storm and the tree almost fell on the house. One day a ball almost hit in the face one day and it hit me in the face and I got a blody nose one day and I did not cry when I got a blody nose the same day. By Trevor.

My   bouncy  balls  in  the  tree . next  I  hit  it   go  down . next  I will  play  the  end. by Alex

A tree grow it stats like this tree firis you get ses and on a sun day and then you get a bakit of  it and that is all for today. By shayla  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:37 PM

Topic: Write about something you packed for a trip


I packed me some gram crackers and a sleeping bag. I have to bring some water. I will bring my teddy bear.I will sleep by Kourtney

Once  I  went on  trip  I  took  my  tablet to my uncles. By  Dominick.    

Monday, January 14, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:39 AM

Topic:  Why are friendships valuable?

They  are   valuable   to   me   because   they   play   with   me .  by Megan

Friendships are important to me because my friend hugs me every time I see him. by Larz

Friendships are important because if I wanted to play with someone and a friend came up and says she is my  friend. That is called bullying. Then if I said we can share friends. She said no so then we made an agreement. I said if you won’t be my friend then you will only have one friend. She said huh. By Carlysha

Friendships are important because we can hide our treasures that are important to us. Friendships are important because if you don’t use friendship you can hart other peoples feelings inside there hart. by Krystiana   

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:05 PM

WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  We rolled two Story Cubes today to give us ideas for our writing.  One was an eye and one was a shooting star.  The class wrote a story using those two nouns. 

Once there was a shooting star and an eye. The shooting star was friends with the eye. It was vary weerd I said to my mom. My mom said I don’t know what that is. That is my story. By Cheyenne. By Cheyenne

This is my story of my  wacky Wednesday . Once there was a eye it seen a shooting star it was  buttiful. It was flying so high in the air then it jropt out of the sky. They had to run away.  They fight to the  one of them can wish on the star. A girl ran to the star and wished they all scremed  to there mom.  By Lindy .

This is my story about a eye and a shooting star . A girl’s eye looking into a telescope  and saw by phoebe

Ones  there  was  a  shooting   star  and  it  had  a  eye   ball  in  the  middle  of  it.  It  almost  went  down  to  earth .  Then  he  landed  on  earth. He was in a  pond. His  eye  ball  was  owt  of  the  pond.  Two  frogs  saw  him  splash  in  the  pond.  One  frog  said  are  you  okay  the  other  one  said  crazy.  The  first  frog  wair  wer   you   from  up  there  said  the frog.By.  Sam      

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:03 PM

Topic:  How could you find more information about an invention? 

In   invention   can be   found   in a musm    galore   for   example  the first   space   soot  .hailey

You can go on the internant. But sometimes the internant is wrong. You can also go to the library and read a book about it. I would choose anyone. Sometimes people use books and some people choose the internant. I would use a book. Books are fun to read.  by Taylor

I  can  go in the Internet  to find  more information about an invention . I can go into  the library and get a book  about  nitro cars and I am  going to know  how  to put nitrotanks. By MOISES

If there’s  tools  all over the place its proably because there’s in invention somewhere .It could be in a labitory  with a old guy with glasses in the labitory .It could also be found in a library cause people need help getting books off of the top shelf if  the stools aren’t high enough . By Delaney

Monday, January 7, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:30 PM

Topic: Tell about the things you are good at in school


I  am good at math I am good at math because I do math at home. I am good at math because my Grandpa will help me if I don/t know it. I am good at reading because Miss. Wilson makes us read that is a good thing. I am good at walking in the hall we have to walk in my hose I that is how I am  a good walker in the hall. That is my story. By Ryleigh.



I like to read a lot.  In school we have to read in the morning  and during   the day. We read at math. Specking  of math I love math! But thir  a prodmle  .  you will ask me wut  is the thing . well in secant gade it is hard! By jackson