Monday, January 7, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:30 PM

Topic: Tell about the things you are good at in school


I  am good at math I am good at math because I do math at home. I am good at math because my Grandpa will help me if I don/t know it. I am good at reading because Miss. Wilson makes us read that is a good thing. I am good at walking in the hall we have to walk in my hose I that is how I am  a good walker in the hall. That is my story. By Ryleigh.



I like to read a lot.  In school we have to read in the morning  and during   the day. We read at math. Specking  of math I love math! But thir  a prodmle  .  you will ask me wut  is the thing . well in secant gade it is hard! By jackson


1 comment:

  1. I love your writing becuace your the best at it Ryleigh
