Monday, January 21, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:39 PM

Topic: Write about something you do the same every year.


I go kamping efry fol at the lake and we go fishing on the bote with awr poles by nick.

Three thing I do every year .

            The first  thing  read  very   good  I  am  so  good of   a   reader  I  read  firth  books it is  intising  . By jack.


I  will write a story today. Every year I like to do math it is good to do because when you get to be a grow up and when you get a job you have to do a lot of math . Miss Wilson likes to do math too and she is a grow up and she likes to do math because it is so fun to do math. Reading is fun because you are thinking that sometimes you are having an inarsing  story in our head. That is my story. By Ryleigh.

1 comment:

  1. I love Ryleigh,s writing because she loves math!
