Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:03 PM

Topic:  How could you find more information about an invention? 

In   invention   can be   found   in a musm    galore   for   example  the first   space   soot  .hailey

You can go on the internant. But sometimes the internant is wrong. You can also go to the library and read a book about it. I would choose anyone. Sometimes people use books and some people choose the internant. I would use a book. Books are fun to read.  by Taylor

I  can  go in the Internet  to find  more information about an invention . I can go into  the library and get a book  about  nitro cars and I am  going to know  how  to put nitrotanks. By MOISES

If there’s  tools  all over the place its proably because there’s in invention somewhere .It could be in a labitory  with a old guy with glasses in the labitory .It could also be found in a library cause people need help getting books off of the top shelf if  the stools aren’t high enough . By Delaney


  1. I love taylor writeing because she loves going to the library to read a book

  2. I love Taylor,s writing. she put she loves going to the library to read books a lot
