Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:37 PM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  Today we rolled two story cubes to give us inspiration for our journal writing.  We rolled a bouncing ball and a tree.  

My bouncy balls is in the thee and  I can not  get it out of the thee .    by Ethan 

My brother Dylon plays basketball and his first game tomarrow. One day a tree fell down at my house and it was a storm and I didn,t  evan know one day and it was a big storm and the tree almost fell on the house. One day a ball almost hit in the face one day and it hit me in the face and I got a blody nose one day and I did not cry when I got a blody nose the same day. By Trevor.

My   bouncy  balls  in  the  tree . next  I  hit  it   go  down . next  I will  play  the  end. by Alex

A tree grow it stats like this tree firis you get ses and on a sun day and then you get a bakit of  it and that is all for today. By shayla  


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