Thursday, January 31, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:17 AM

Topic: Tell about your favorite animal

This is my favorite animal it is a baby bunny I like to feed them carets and pet them  they are so soft I play with them I even have one at home . I play with it a lot when ever I  get home I play with  it all the time .  Kalab my brother he all was  plays with it  a lot   the baby bunny  got tierd .So jack my baby bunny he hoped all the way to me then he just sat for a wiled  then jumped back in his cage and   he eats a lot of carets . By Lindy 

My  favorite  animal  is  a  giraffe . They  have  long  necks  to  get  to  eat  the  leafs  from  trees.  At  the  zoo  you  get  to  feed  them.  It  likes  to  eat  leafs  that  are  from  big  trees.  It  does  not  have  a  lot  of  furr   on  it  body.  It  does  not  have  big  horns  it  has  little  horns. It  has  big  eye  balls. It  has lots  of  black  in  the  eye  ball.   By Sam

My favorite animal is a cat. I like it because it is ferry . I also like cats because I have one all ready. His  name is berry I love him very much.. - by Phoebe

My favorite  animal is a sea turtle because it is vary cool to feel it’s cool shell. When I went to Florda I saw a sea  turtle  and I got to touch it’s shell and that was vary fun to do. That is my favorite animal. By Cheyenne 


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