Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:05 PM

WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  We rolled two Story Cubes today to give us ideas for our writing.  One was an eye and one was a shooting star.  The class wrote a story using those two nouns. 

Once there was a shooting star and an eye. The shooting star was friends with the eye. It was vary weerd I said to my mom. My mom said I don’t know what that is. That is my story. By Cheyenne. By Cheyenne

This is my story of my  wacky Wednesday . Once there was a eye it seen a shooting star it was  buttiful. It was flying so high in the air then it jropt out of the sky. They had to run away.  They fight to the  one of them can wish on the star. A girl ran to the star and wished they all scremed  to there mom.  By Lindy .

This is my story about a eye and a shooting star . A girl’s eye looking into a telescope  and saw by phoebe

Ones  there  was  a  shooting   star  and  it  had  a  eye   ball  in  the  middle  of  it.  It  almost  went  down  to  earth .  Then  he  landed  on  earth. He was in a  pond. His  eye  ball  was  owt  of  the  pond.  Two  frogs  saw  him  splash  in  the  pond.  One  frog  said  are  you  okay  the  other  one  said  crazy.  The  first  frog  wair  wer   you   from  up  there  said  the frog.By.  Sam      


  1. Taylor i love your writing becuase she is so good at writing

  2. cheyenne's group has real AMAZING!!! they make ausome letters and these sentenses to!! they follow every word and puts there finger under the words by krystiana
