Thursday, January 31, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:20 AM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!!  We rolled two story cubes today, one noun and one verb, and this is what came up as our story prompt: 


Once upon a time there was two teenagers driving. They were driving to a big building. But on there way there it was a bunch of traffic! The two girls didn’t have there driving cards. But they kept on driving and used there team work. The other girl on the passenger side nough how to drive but she doesn’t drive in traffic. So she just sat there and didn’t say nothing. Only there trying to visit there grandmother. The girl on the passenger side just said out loud and they got to the building the end By Carlysha

Once  there   was   a     little    girl   who   went     to    a     dirty     cacle.Her    name    was     Megan.   There   ByMeg  

When I  was walking down the street I saw a sky scraper it was like a hundred feet tall me and my dad and mom went inside of the sky scraper there was like a million rooms and that was the first time. I went in a sky scraper once I saw two girls going home from school and I was going to school we were doing the opposite of me because they were going home and I was going to school one time when I was going to school I saw mountains and then I went home and play my ds and play by Larz

When I was walking down a hill to a sky scraper with my daddy Josh and not my little brother Josh. When I was walking down the hill I sawn two of my friends and there name was Jake and my mom Sarah. My mom Sarah is a really good doctor . She is the most greatest one I ever had in my hole life since my mom got that job to be one.  When I was walking to the sky scraper I had my vary nice room . in the room there was a lot of books there. The place was so good and on the walls there was pitchers to look at. By krystiana


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