Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:36 AM

If I were a little plant, I would want to grow up into a _____________  because ...


  1. If I was a little plant I would want to grow up in to a tree cause then I get to help people breath and live.I will also be a rose because i will be cute. By Kara

  2. I would want to grow into a Daisy.
    By stephene

  3. If I were a little plant I would want to grow up into a big sun flower because so I can be bigger than everyone. And I can be pretty. And eat a lot of of stuff.And I would take a long time before I grow very big. So I will be little for a long time. by mckenna

  4. If I were a little plant I would be watermelon because I would be good to eat. I could be joues and good by Elijah

  5. I will be a dase. Because they are so butefol because my favrit is yellow by marianna

  6. If I were a little plant I would grow up into a Daisy because Daisies are very very very beautiful.They are my favorite flower.
    By Taylor

  7. If I were a little plant,I would want to grow up into a Sunflower because In the summer and spring I would become very tall and healthy. I also would be in gardens and I love gardens and I might be picked by a girl and given to a mother. By Taya

  8. If I was a plant I would be a flower that is blue becouse it would be nice plant and I will maybe get air and have food I would like to be in a store and I will be in my home with a nice peopl in the hose that I like I will have sun to. by selah

  9. If I where a little plant I would want to become a sunflower because they are really yellow and smell good. And they have sunflower seeds that you can eat and I thank they taste good. But I thank they are fake sunflower seeds not real ones. by Emily

  10. If I was a plant I would be a a rose.Because it is spring and I could grow better. I would be the most protected.because I have thorns.By Abby

  11. If I were a plant I would be a Apple tree Because I would give people so much air everyday. I would also give lots of healthy apples for the hole land. I would also give a lot of animals air and a home. I would also be in a apple orchard for people to pick me every day because the apple orchard would go out of business. By Darrin

  12. If i were plant I would be a carrot tree because then people can be healthy. By Tanner

  13. I would be a tulip because they are pretty. I would want to be picked by a man and be given to a lady.
    by Azariana

  14. If I were a plant I would be a rose beacause they are pretty and smell Kathryn.

  15. If I was a plant I would grow up to be a tree because if there was no trees there would be no people like me and you and I want people to breath. By Ana

  16. If l were a plant,l would be a Sunflower l would in the grow because l like to be in the Emma

  17. If i were a plant i would grow up to be a banana tree because nobody would get hungry by Peter.

  18. I grow into a apple cheer people like .by Kyle

  19. I wold be a sun flower. so people can breath and if seeds fly of ether sun flowers will grow. by Logan
