Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:02 AM
Yesterday these carnations were white.  What happened?
 Explain the experiment as a scientist using facts and observations.

(Check out the comments for thoughts from the scientific BUGS!)


  1. they sucked up all the food coloring. One turned green and one turned blue the last one turned red. It went up the stem and made the flowers turn different colors. they must of thought it was water and sucked it all up and made all of them turn different colors. over night it had to take it one step at a time. by Ana

    1. Mrs.koehn put food coloring in the water and the nest day we came in we looked at the flowers. I think the flowers sucked the food coloring up and it think it was water and it changed color. I think the flower sucks up ever thing. by McKenna

  2. They sucked up the water with there tubes in the stems.
    It just happens that if the water is red the flower turns red.
    By Stephene

  3. The carnations sucked up the water The water was inside the stem and you could not see the water. So the water comes up and makes the flower grow that way. One was red and One was green by kathryn

  4. They socket up the color water I think it went up the stem when it goes up and helps the flower. by Elijah

  5. I think i do not no wut haping last . I ges it will good flour we smel it. I will be osma . We are goood scientst . On plats. By Kyle

  6. What happened was the carnation stems sucked up the water with the ten drops of food coloring.Then overnight they turned the color of food coloring in their water.Now they look very beautiful and very colorful! By Taylor

  7. They are diffident colors. and taller.

  8. Wen l sol the flowers they change colors so we can see the red/ and blue/ and Emma

  9. The plant sucked up the colored water through the stem and now the white flowers are green red and blue on the top a little.Or you could say on the rim on the out side of the flowers a little.By Abigail

  10. The plants were white and now they sucked up the colored water through their straw. But its not a straw. The red one turned red. The blue one turned blue. The green one turned green. They look cool Emily

  11. the root suck t up the colorful water and gave it to the root and the root gave the water to the flower then the flower changed color and it was awesome by logan

  12. it got colored with red blue and green it worked. By Selah

  13. I liked the experiment we did! It was Awesome. Now the flowers look cool. I was Amazed.I liked the colors Blue Red Azariana

  14. The carnations stem sucked up water with the food coloring and the carnations turned Red/Green and blue.Yesterday we put the food coloring in water and put the carnations in for a day and came in the next day and the peddles turned colors. By Darrin
