Thursday, February 12, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:20 PM
Today we learned about roots.  We thought about what we already knew about roots and then what we wanted to learn.  We talked for quite awhile about what kind of experiment would let us SEE roots grow!  
We finally thought about putting seeds into clear growing containers so we can watch! 

We planted root vegetables in these tubes (Thanks, Mr. Kenyon!) so we can watch them grow!

We can't wait to see them!

We also planted a lima bean against the clear glass of a jar so we could watch it sprout!  We thought this would give us a great view of the roots as they grow as well as the sprouts!

We drew pictures for our science journals of what we think roots look like.

We had some great ideas and prior knowledge about roots!

We are excited to see how our thoughts and drawings compare to real roots that we grow!


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