Saturday, February 7, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:28 PM
The BUGS become scientists this week!    

They thought about what they already knew about seeds and plants and made some predictions.  They decided to conduct an experiment to test their theories about what seeds need to grow.  

We planted 15 lima bean seeds and each jar has special conditions: water, no water, too much water; soil, no soil; rocks, no rocks; sunshine, no sunshine; etc. so we can determine what conditions make a seed grow.

One of the theories was that seeds and plants need worms to grow.  

I had no idea the excitement a container of worms would bring to a second grade classroom.  

We took time (as scientists, of course) to touch the worms and to let them wriggle on our hands.  

Kathry was so very brave.  But worms are squirmy!!

McKenna and Tanner discovered that worms are hard to pick up sometimes. 

Abby and Kara try to be very brave.  

1 comment:

  1. I had fun but the Worms not so much !!!! by Kara
