Friday, February 27, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:00 PM
This week we worked on an opinion writing.  

We read a book and talked about the weather for the month of March.  
Then we made predictions (we're getting really good at those!) about March's weather, in particular, if it will come in like a lion or a lamb! 

 When our writing was done, we finished the activity by making a lion or lamb to go with it. 

 (Mrs. Koehn let us use drippy glue AND paint - her two least favorite things!) 
Stop by our classroom hallway to see our predictions and our creatures!!

We had a few predictions of March coming in like a lamb...

...maybe we're all just tired of snow days?

Most students predicted March will come in like a lion!

Guess we might as well get it over with and then move on to spring!


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