Thursday, February 26, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:58 AM

Something mysterious is happening!  When we opened up the jar labeled "no air", there was a sprout!  We have been reading about plants and we KNOW that they need air to live!
Think like a scientist and make a hypothesis about how this sprout is growing even when the lid has been on the jar.  


  1. I think there was a little air on top of the dirt or the dirt had air in it. Or the lid was not on all the way so the air went in the jar through the lid maybe by Kara

  2. I think it kept using the air it originaly had to keep giving the plant air again by kathryn

  3. I think what happen was that air came from little hole at the bottom of the lid.
    By Steph

  4. I think the plants dose need air but I think the plant do not need air because the air is out. The plant I think is going to die because the plant needs air that is what I think about the flower by mckenna

  5. I think the dirt is helping the plant breath because the water that went up as nutrients that helps the plant grow. by Elijah

  6. We need air.But I ge's we can do it with no air. Marianna

  7. May by it . Ben grow all this time . I may by is a no air plant i don,t know how did it . All of days .Can you do a intermix .By Kyle

  8. I think that we may have put too much water in the jar.So now it thinks there is air but actually there is too much water in the jar.Or the Lima Bean has everything the plant needs so when it is placed in soil. It can give the plant what it needs.By Taylor

  9. I think that it is growing because the dirt has air and the Lima Bean is getting a lot of air from the dirt. I also think that we are putting a lot of water in the jar and it's getting to much water from what we are giving it. I think it has everything that it needs to live and grow. The plant is very,very,very interesting how it can grow with the lid on it. I love the Lima Bean. by Taya

  10. We bid so plans they grow with the cap .by Emma

  11. I now how it has a sprout the dirt has air in it and it gits water in the soil and it gits some sun lite by the side of the glass it has sum stuff it needs. by logan

  12. I thank when Mrs. Koehn opened the jar some air came in. She opened the jar because she wanted us to see whats inside. I thank when we put in the water it made air bubbles or some thing to get the air. by Emily

  13. Well the dirt has air so there is air in the no air jar.So it grew with air in it.So it needs air to grown.

  14. Maybe it turned the water in to air or the dirt had air. By Selah

  15. I think the dirt gave the plant air because nutrients come's from the roots.Or Lima bean plants don't need to have air.Or the plant had to much dirt and water in it.Or Lima beans can be planted in more than one way.By Darrin

  16. I think that there could be worms in there because I think that they crawled out. Again by Peter

  17. Well the dirt has air so the no air jar has air.So it needs air to grow.By Abigail

  18. The soil is nice by thomas
