Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:10 PM
We've been learning about measurement in math.  Specifically, we have discovered through hands-on work, that it's really important to use the SAME SIZED unit when we are trying to measure something.  We've also learned that we have to put the units exactly next to each other without any spaces or we won't get a correct measurement.

Today we wanted to apply all this knowledge and START MEASURING!!  But then we realized that it was going to take us forever to measure the table or the window with one little centimeter cube.  The kids suggested that we make rulers, so we did!

Chan is working very carefully to make his ruler.

Blake is concentrating on straight lines and even spaces. 

We used tag board and we were VERY PRECISE with our cubes and our lines to make our rulers exact!  

Nathan holds down his centimeter cube so it doesn't move while he draws his lines.

Mariela and Ava work carefully on their rulers.

Then we put our rulers to the test and we started measuring!!  

Abby and Cadasia are carefully measuring with their unit rulers.

It was a lot of fun, but we realized something else.  Rulers are so much easier with numbers!  We thought about how and where the numbers should go and we carefully wrote them on our rulers.  Now we are ready to measure!!

Evan thinks about how many centimeters the picture of the sandwich is.

Danielle and Madelynn read the questions carefully.   

Jayden and Caleb are working slowly to get exact measurements.

1 comment:

  1. You have to be careful to make a ruler.By:VanessaL
