Friday, October 9, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:55 PM
We've been learning about how to create win-win situations this week and how they make two people happy instead of two people angry!  In an effort to transfer this learning to the home environment I challenged the BUGS to create win-win situations at home this weekend with their families.  Students were asked to then post a comment to share with everyone how they avoided an argument by creating a win-win situation!  (Parents are welcome to share examples, too!  We love learning from each other!)

How did you create a win-win situation this weekend?  How did you feel afterwards?


  1. I was at sky zone this week. I was on a square Ava wanted to go on it, but only one square per person .so I made a win-win and I said let's switch every now and then.By;VanessaL.

  2. A win win is if a brother and a mom are fighting and the mom says I will get 5 dollars and you get 5 dollars to. Carter
