Friday, October 30, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
Happy Halloween everyone!
Grant, Nathan, Caleb and Cadasia

Keagan, Jayden, Drew and Abby

Evan, Spencer, Devin and Mariela

Ava, Blake, Jacob and Madelynn

Vanessa L., Taylor, Sean and Carter

Chan, Danielle, Katelynn and Vanessa S.

The whole gang!

Enjoying amazing goodies!

Having fun with our friends.

Checking out the goodie bags!

A great day with great friends!

Playing Halloween BINGO!

Checking game boards!

A special thanks to all the parents who donated and brought in amazing goodies for our party.  All the parents and grandparents that came to watch, cheer and help at the party were greatly appreciated! 

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