Monday, October 5, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:42 AM
We are so excited to start reading groups this week!  We have been learning each station activity and practicing so we can work independently on our work.  We love having so much choice in what we read and work on during reading!  All students will do all station activities.  Some meet with me for small group work more often than others, but all students have the opportunity to practice reading skills in a variety of settings every day.

SSR is a favorite activity because students can choose their own perfect book to read during this time.  Students practice focusing on a text for the entire station time without stopping, a skill that is still developing in many readers.  Right now we are focusing our studies on fiction texts, but students choose a book that is his/her "Goldilocks text" meaning it is not too hard or too easy, but just right. 

Another reading station focusing on word studies and practice.  Students will use this week's spelling words in a variety of ways to practice spelling, decoding, fluency and handwriting all in one station!  Again, I believe in choice and allow students to choose one activity each day that they prefer to use for practice.  At the end of the week, these papers will come home with spelling tests so students can see how their efforts affected their scores!

Our second grade reading standards include reading both print and digital texts.  We love Tumblebooks and the many ways we can enjoy digital texts during stations.  Students can choose to have the text read to them (with words highlighted) or read independently.  Students can also choose from a large selection of texts of all levels to satisfy their personal reading goals.

Finally, all students will work with me in small groups.  We are learning about fiction texts and writing right now so we will read a variety of leveled texts together and talk about the structure and patterns we find in fiction stories.  We will learn how these structures can help us understand a story and how to use these structures in our writing!